

梅葛 双语例句

1. 梅葛是什么意思

1. 昙华是《梅葛》的发源地,也是彝族创世史诗《梅葛》流传最为广泛的地区,逢年过节、婚丧嫁娶、起房建物、播种收获、放牧耕地等,人们都要邀请毕摩来跳唱和祭祀。
    Tanhua is the origin of the Yi ethnic epic of genesis Mei Ge, which is widely circulated in Yi ethnic areas at such occasions as festivals or new year celebrations, weddings and funerals, building frame erection, sowing and harvest, grazing and cultivation.

2. 梅葛在线翻译

2. 《梅葛》没有文字的记载,毕摩、歌手皆是靠耳听心记史诗的内容曲调,在各种展演场域反复演练,形成以传统为取向的“大脑文本”。
    'Mei Ge'has no writing record, Bimo and singer are to learn all by using ear hear and heart memory, relapse performance and practice in various place, and forming into tradition'cerebrum text'.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 走几步路,我就可以回家了。回到托曼身边,回到梅葛楼我自己的房间里。
    A little walk and I'll be home, I'll be back with Tommen, in my own chambers inside Maegor's Holdfast.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 对彝族史诗《梅葛》神话原型的分析不过,我相信『个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮』句俗话。
    An analysis of the mythological prototype in the epic poetry Meige of the Yi people; However, I believe in the saying that two heads are better than one.

5. 瑟熙如残酷的梅葛一般温柔,和庸王伊耿一样无私,和疯王伊利斯差不多聪慧。
    Cersei is as gentle as King Maegor, as selfless as Aegon the Unworthy, as wise as Mad Aerys.

6. 本文探讨的是楚雄彝族梅葛音乐及其相关文化的问题。
    This article discusses Chuxiong Meige music and associated cultural issues.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 文中笔者对梅葛音乐的传统分类做了一点补充,第一次从音乐学的角度把毕摩调也纳入梅葛音乐的范畴,通过谱例分析对梅葛音乐的特点做了总结和归纳。
    In article the author made some points for the traditional classification of Meige by classifying Bimo tune into the category of Meige music from the perspective of musicology for the first time, summarized and classified on Meige music features by analyzing examples of music scores.

8. 梅葛什么意思

8. 《梅葛》作为活形态的史诗,《查姆》作为彝文典籍而保存,它们在各自的文化生态环境中产生和传承,其传承方式和面临的危机又有些许不同。
    As the " Meige " is a " living form " of the epic and the " Chamu " as Yi classics and saved. They had generated and transmitted in their own cultural and ecological environment.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. 《梅葛》作为活形态的史诗,《查姆》作为彝文典籍而保存,它们在各自的文化生态环境中产生和传承,其传承方式和面临的危机又有些许不同。
    As the " Meige " is a " living form " of the epic and the " Chamu " as Yi classics and saved. They had generated and transmitted in their own cultural and ecological environment.