

梆子戏 双语例句

1. 潮剧已有四百三十多年的历史,它是宋元南戏的一个分支,由宋元时期的南戏逐渐演化,吸收了弋阳、昆曲、皮黄、梆子戏的特长,结合本地民间艺术,如潮州音乐等,最终形成自己独特的艺术形式和风格。
    Chaoju Opera has a history of more than four hundred and thirty years.

2. 梆子戏的反义词

2. 清朝乾隆年间(1736-1795),河南省已流行梆子戏
    Qing Dynasty, Qianlong period (1736-1795), Henan Province has been popular clapper opera.

3. 梆子戏的解释

3. 秦腔作为一个地方剧种,在西北地区已经悠然传唱了数百年,是中国戏曲四大声腔中最古老、最丰富、最庞大的声腔体系,有中国古代戏曲活化石和梆子戏老祖母之称,流行遍及我国西北五省,是西北最大的地方戏曲剧种。
    Thus, Ch`in Opera, in north-west China, has won universal praise and attracted people of various ages.

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4. 总体来说,笛子分成两大类:在北方,笛子曾主要用于伴奏梆子戏,称为梆笛。
    In the north, the flute used to accompany the Bon Zi Opera is called a Bon Di.

5. 梆子戏什么意思

5. 潞安州、泽州的梆子戏在山东聊城、菏泽一带唱得红红火火。
    Lu'an, and Zezhou the Bangzi opera in Shandong Liaocheng, Heze sung around the fire is booming.

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6. 清朝咸丰、同治年间,梆子戏在忻州、大同一带普遍成立班社,延请蒲剧、晋剧艺人在十冬腊月垛箱之后前来教戏。
    Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty, Tongzhi years, the opera plays in Xinzhou, the Datong area of the establishment of universal social class, inviting Puju, Jinju Shidonglayue artists in the stack to come after me to teach drama.

7. 梆子戏的近义词

7. 徐州铜山县非物质文化遗产绚丽多彩,主要有柳琴戏、梆子戏、丁丁腔、汉王石刻以及民间礼节伏羊节等。
    There are Liuqin drama, Bangzi opera, Tintin cavity, HW stone carvings as well as civil etiquette V Yang Festival, etc, which constitutes the colorful intangible cultural heritagein Tongshan County.

8. 其以顺口溜的形式,长的二三十句,短的十来八句,配上板鼓、梆子、小锣来伴奏就象武安落子戏的数板,但说起来比数板节奏更加明快干脆,因为演说时用的武安方言,故取名叫武安快板。
    The form of its jingle, twenty or thirty long sentence, a short period of ten to eight, with a small drum for marking time, Bangzi, small gong to play the accompaniment as a number of Wuluo zi board, but said the number of board than just rhythm more crisp, because the speech used in Wu dialect, so check the name of Wu Allegro.

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9. 梆子戏起源于民间,内容通俗易懂,形式简单,生活气息浓郁,更贴近百姓生活,很快受到广大人民群众的欢迎。
    Banzi opera originated in folk, and soon gained its popularity with its easy-to-understand content, simple form and its closeness to common people.