梗直[gěng zhí]
同 “耿直” [gěng zhí]
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. Founder:8 DELL 戴尔 | 9 Founder 梗直 | 10 Gigabyte 技嘉
1. 撑持安乐是一回事,为种族灭尽提供梗直的理由是另一回事。
It is one thing to support euthanasia but quite another tooffer any justification for genocide.
2. 梗直的翻译
2. 他必须梗直了脖子,死死盯着地板才勉强压抑自己,没有愤怒的大叫出来。
He has to tense up his neck and face the floor to suppress his frustrated reaction, to keep it from being an outright rebel yell.
3. 花序梗直立到上升,1-2 厘米。
Peduncle erect to ascending, 1-2 cm.
4. 花序梗直立,10 --30厘米,粗壮,有时无。
Peduncle erect, 10--30 cm, robust, sometimes absent.
5. 蒴果长圆形到椭圆形,无毛;花序梗直立 22
Capsules oblong to ellipsoid, glabrous; peduncle erect
6. 梗直
6. 蝎尾状聚伞花序约6厘米;紧密的花,20-30,能育的1或2的只是;花序梗3-4厘米;总苞片鞘状,5-10毫米,膜质,无毛;苞片卵形圆形,1-1.5厘米*约8毫米,膜质;花梗直的,非常短在花期,在果期达1厘米。
Cincinni ca. 6 cm; flowers dense, 20--30, only 1 or 2 fertile; peduncle 3--4 cm; involucral bracts sheathlike, 5--10 mm, membranous, glabrous; bracts ovate-orbicular, 1--1.5 cm × ca. 8 mm, membranous; pedicels straight, very short at anthesis, to 1 cm in fruit.
7. 梗直的意思
7. 该病原菌分生孢子梗直立,分枝并轮生,每轮3~6个小梗。
Its conidiophores were upstanding, with verticillate branches (3~6 sterigmata for each round).
8. 梗直的解释
8. 该病原菌分生孢子梗直立,分枝并轮生,每轮3~6个小梗。
Its conidiophores were upstanding, with verticillate branches (3 ~ 6 sterigmata for each round).