


词典Kei wong[电影]棋王。

棋王 双语例句

1. 棋王的意思

1. 电影中棋王穿的衣服对你说来再适合不过了。
    Clothes from the Chess King will actually fit you.

2. 要成为优秀的钢琴家、国际象棋棋王以及垒球明星等都需要大量的时间,这就是髓磷脂在起作用
    Getting good at piano or chess or baseball takes a lot of time, and that's what myelin is good at.

3. 电脑能在国际象棋上打败棋王Gary Kasparov ,能数出一次核爆炸中所有的原子数量,也能在转瞬间计算非常复杂的数字,但是却无法处理语言翻译中的微小区别。
    Computers can beat chess champion Gary Kasparov at his game, count all the atoms in a nuclear explosion, and calculate complex figures in a fraction of a second, but they still fail at the slight differences in language translation.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 区分天才和小有成就者之间的关键不是靠灵光闪现的暗示,也无关智商高低的天赋,而且智商对人的未来成功与否的预测普遍糟糕,即使在围棋王国中也不例外。
    The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It`s not I. Q., a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess.

5. 三位世界棋王的公开信主要内容有三条:一、国际棋联去年底在德黑兰做出的关于将现行6小时传统比赛用时缩短为4小时的决定是试图彻底废除世界棋王的头衔和背叛世界棋王争霸战的历史。
    Of greater concern is the behavior of FIDE in regard to the prestige and tradition of the World Chess Championship. FIDE`s declaration in Tehran laid claim to a title that existed long before FIDE was created and, we might say, will exist long after it is gone. A century of tradition cannot be wiped away simply by saying that it is so.

6. 我几乎成了小有名气的“棋王”。
    I almost become a little famous " title ".

7. 对美国国际象棋棋王鲍比·菲舍尔遗体的司法鉴定正在进行。
    Forensic testing is under way on the remains of American chess legend, Bobby Fischer.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 王一生的“吃”与中国文化之间的关系,“棋”与中国文化之间的关系中可以探寻到《棋王》文本所体现出来的文化意识。
    Wang's life, " eat " and the relationship between Chinese culture, " game " and the relationship between Chinese culture can be embodied in the text to explore the cultural awareness.

9. 棋王的意思

9. 好像她才是小棋王
    As if she had been the chess champion.

10. 棋王通常「知道」正确的棋步,即使他们无法说清楚自己为什麽知道。
    Chess masters often know the right move to make even if they cannot articulate how they know it.

11. 我要勤学苦练,争取三年内获得棋王的称号。
      I will study hard and practice assiduously to win the title of " chess champion " in three years.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 本文试从叙事学中的叙事时间这一角度入手,对阿城的小说《棋王》进行时距方面的研究。
      This article research the duration of the novel the king of playing chess, written by Acheng from narrative subject.

13. 《棋王》的道家文化生成语境和传统道家生成语境是相同的。
      The Taoist culture creating condition of " Chess King " was the same as one of tradition.

14. 阿城的《棋王》是新时期小说中的经典作品,在现代语境中对道家理想人格的塑造是小说的核心取向。
      A Cheng's the King of Chinese Chess whose core meaning is establishment of the Taoist ideal personality in the context of modernity is one of classical works among the New-age fictions.

15. 意识与无意识之间&从心理分析角度看阿城《棋王》及其创作生涯
      Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness & Ahcheng's Master of Chess and His Writing Career

16. 棋王的反义词

16. 叙事时间的游戏&试谈小说《棋王》中省略与停顿的运用
      A game of narrative time & Discuss the usage of ellipsis and pause of the Novel the king of playing chess by A Cheng

17. 我几乎成了小有名气的“棋王”。
      I almost become a little famous " title ".

18. 王一生的“吃”与中国文化之间的关系,“棋”与中国文化之间的关系中可以探寻到《棋王》文本所体现出来的文化意识。
      Wang's life," eat " and the relationship between Chinese culture," game " and the relationship between Chinese culture can be embodied in the text to explore the cultural awareness.

19. 棋王

19. 我要勤学苦练,争取三年内获得棋王的称号。
      I will study hard and practice assiduously to win the title of " chess champion " in three years.

20. 棋王的反义词

20. 《棋王》的道家文化生成语境和传统道家生成语境是相同的。
      The Taoist culture creating condition of " Chess King " was the same as one of tradition.