

椰实 双语例句

1. 椰实

1. 椰树到处都是,非常漂亮,可是在街上我只发现一家饭馆前的椰树长有椰实,这是为什么?
    The cocos are every where, very beautiful, but I only saw one coco with nuts at the front of a hotel, and I asked the guide why?

2. 我只好问导游,导游说,这椰实曾掉下来砸伤人,人家把州政府告了,州政府给人家赔了100万。
    The guide saied that the nuts had fallen and smashed some people, the people accused the state government, the governmwnt paied for

3. 过后就下令椰实不等长大就摘掉,免得再砸伤人
    After that the government asked to pick off the coconuts before their growing up to avoide breaking people again