楚材晋用[chǔ cái jìn yòng]
词典talants of one country being made use of by another country -- brain drain
词典a great person given an important post by another country:楚材晋用。
词典奺mploy talented men of other nations
词典use other nationals:楚材晋用。
楚材晋用[chǔ cái jìn yòng]
(比喻本国人材被别国使用; 人材外流) talants of one country being made use of by another country -- brain drain; a great person given an important post by another country; 奺mploy talented men of other nations; use other nationals; use talents of another country
1. 楚材晋用:中国水转大纺车与英国阿克莱水力纺纱机
The Intellectual Resources of One Country Used by the Other: China's Hydraulic Spinning Wheel and Britain's Mechanical Spinner Invented by Sir Richard Arkwright