

楷范[kǎi fàn]


楷范 双语例句

1. 国内商场占有率的第一品牌却是一直奉行急用户之所急,努力潜心研发两年多才将此延迟问题最终突破,从而在近期才将自己的最新含有目前鼠标业界最先进的零延迟科技的双飞燕2.4G天遥G7零延迟系列推荐市面,双飞燕自主研发针对延迟跳标现象,历经多次失败,得到许多独家科技,此种难能可贵的敬业、专注精神,并将消费者利益至于最高的经营理念是值的目前众多IT厂商学习的楷范
    The first national store brand market share is always anxious customers are anxious to pursue efforts to devote themselves to research and development more than two years before the final breakthrough in this latency issues, which until recently his latest contains the mouse is currently the industry's most advanced technology in the zero-delay shuangfeiyan 2.4G days away G7 zero-latency series recommended in the market, shuangfeiyan independent research and development standard for the delay in jumping phenomenon, after many failures, have a number of exclusive technologies, such commendable professionalism, dedication, and the interests of consumers regard to The maximum value of the business concept is to learn the current number of IT vendors Kai Fan.

2. 隋唐五代对法则楷范的深入探讨,标志着美术批评走向成熟。
    The further exploration to the rules and models during Sui Tang Wu Dai was the sign of the maturity of art criticism.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 愚以为此书的印成,不仅保存了史料,而且弘扬先辈精神,作为后世楷范,对社会无疑大有益处;高氏兄弟又是我多年的知交好友,玉成此事,义不容辞。
    In my humble opinion this book not only preserves historical material but also reveals the spirit of our forefathers and sets a model of virtue for younger generations.