

榧子[fěi zi ]


词典Chinese torreya榧;榧树。


词典semen torreya榧子。


词典Chinese torreya nut

榧子 汉英大词典

榧子[fěi zi]


{植} Chinese torreya; semen torreya

榧子 网络解释

1. Grand Torreya Seed:Graceful Jessamine Herb 断肠草 | Grand Torreya Seed 榧子 | Granesbill Herb 短嘴老鹳草

2. semen torreyae:(防己) Stephania tetrandra | (榧子) Semen torreyae | (蜂蜜) Honey

3. Feizi:Fangyi 防已 ぼうい | Feizi 榧子 ひし | Fengmi 蜂蜜 ほうみつ

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Feizi Grand Torreya Seed Semen Torreyae:112. 防 己 Fangji Fourstamen Stephania Root Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae | 113. 榧 子 Feizi Grand Torreya Seed Semen Torreyae | 114. 蜂 房 Fengfang Honeycomb Nidus Vespae

榧子 双语例句

1. 打榧子用食指或中指捻碰拇指发声,如为引人注意或打音乐拍子等
    Snap one's fingers make a clicking noise by moving the second or third finger quickly against the thumb, eg to attract sb's attention, mark the beat of music, etc

2. 榧子

2. 他们的父亲以色列对他们说:「如果必须如此,你们就这样做:在行李内带些本地最好的出产,一些香液、蜂蜜、树胶、香料、榧子和杏仁,下去送给那人当作礼物。
    Then Israel said to them: If it must needs be so, do what you will: take of the best fruits of the land in your vessels, and carry down presents to the man, a little balm, and honey, and storax, myrrh, turpentine, and almonds.

3. 2出血宜吃羊血、螺狮、淡菜、乌贼、荠菜、藕、蘑菇、马兰头、石耳、榧子、柿饼。
    Bleeding Yichi sheep blood, Luo Shi, mussels, squid, shepherd's purse, lotus root, mushrooms, Malan head, Umbilicaria, pija, dried persimmons.

4. 目的:建立以苯酚-硫酸比色法测定云南榧子中多糖含量的方法。
    OBJECTIVE: To establish phenol-vitriolic colorimetry for the assaying of polysaccharides in Torreya yunnanensis.

5. 一些香液、蜂蜜、树胶、香料、榧子和杏仁,下去送给那人当作礼物。
    And carry down a present for the man, a little balm, a little honey, spices and myrrh, nuts, and almonds;

6. 如果碰巧我把名字说对了,她的手指便啪地打一个榧子
    If I hit upon the right name, her fingers snapped.

7. 他的手指哒地打了个榧子,那狗马上蹲坐下来。
    He clicked his fingers and the dog immediately sat down.

8. 她只须打个榧子,他就会替她办一切事。
    She just has to snap her fingers and he'll do whatever she wants.

9. 他按着音乐的节拍打起榧子来。
    He snapped his fingers in time to the music.

10. 他打了个榧子招呼服务员。
    He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter.

11. 榧子的近义词

11. 过去榧子树的果实即榧子经常作为驱虫剂使用,也用来榨油。
      In the past, the bija tree blossoms and the Bija oil were used as insecticides.

12. 196内德。兰伯特用手指在空中打了个响榧子
      Ned Lambert cracked his fingers in the air.