

槽头[cáo tóu]

词典trough (in a livestock shed)

槽头 汉英大词典

槽头[cáo tóu]


(喂牲口的地方) trough (in a livestock shed):


    a manger full of sturdy livestock

槽头 双语例句

1. 螺纹长度可调整的槽头螺钉的侧面图。
    Side view of fillister head slotted screw with adjustable thread length.

2. 槽头螺钉的俯视图。
    Top view of fillister head screw.

3. 铁或钢制钉,不包括铜头钉,槽头端螺钉和非尖映螺钵
    Copper-headed nails, pointed screw nails with slotted heads and unpointed screw nails

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4. 14:4 家里无牛,槽头干净;但出产加多,乃凭牛力。
    Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much increase comes by the strength of the ox.

5. 槽头的反义词

5. 由带螺纹的连杆和槽头组成的扣件。
    A fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head.

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6. 14:4 家里无牛,槽头乾净。土产加多,乃凭牛力。
    Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.

7. 家里无牛,槽头干净。
    3059 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty.

8. 槽头在线翻译

8. 插入并且旋紧十字槽头螺丝。
    Insert and tighten Phillips head screw.

9. 槽头尖端螺钉,铁或钢制
    Screw nail pointed with slotted heads, of iron or steel

10. 由带螺纹的连杆和槽头组成的扣件。钻杆接头螺纹结构形式的有限元分析
    A fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head. Finite element analysis of the screw structure of the drill-stem junction