


词典cross step[体]交叉步。

词典side step侧跨(侧面的)台阶。

横步 网络解释

1. sidestep:跟随 following | 钩球 hooking the ball | 横步 side step

横步 双语例句

1. 山形 是指包含两次以上的斜横步之间改变方向。
    Zigzag: A movement containing more than two half passes with a change of direction.

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2. 在马未经训练好作收缩运动以前,马匹调教中应当包含偏横步
    Leg-yielding should be included in the training of the horse before it is ready for collected work.

3. 偏横步在 FEI的比赛中是以调教快步执行的。
    Leg-yielding is performed in working trot in FEI competitions.

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4. 偏横步 这项动作是以调教快步执行的。
    Leg Yielding. The exercise is performed in working trot.

5. 斜横步横步是腰内的变相动作,要在对角线上做,而不是沿著墙边做。
    Half pass. Half-pass is a variation of travers, executed on a diagonal line instead of along the wall.

6. 婴儿一般在10个月后,经过扶栏的站立已能扶着床栏横步走了。
    Baby 10 months later, after standing handrails holding bed column has been able to cross-step left.

7. 横步什么意思

7. 偏横步的目标:在於展现马的柔软与侧方的反应。
    The aim of leg yielding: To demonstrate the suppleness and lateral responsiveness of the horse.