


词典rubber raft橡皮筏。

橡皮筏 双语例句

1. 于是,金钱河的水面上,又有了水鸟们的嘹唳,而金钱河漂流的橡皮筏和红马夹,仿佛如一面面旗帜,给金钱河增添了无限的生机。
    But in recent years, money river shoreside hills Lin Feng grass is gradually exuberant get up, the money river resembles one mustang then, gallop within the river valley roaring not stopping.

2. 橡皮筏的近义词

2. 后来,他们做的橡皮筏的部分碎片和他们的一些信件在天使岛附近被人找到。
    Parts of their makeshift raft and some of the their letters were found on nearby Angel Island.

3. 橡皮筏的反义词

3. 我永远不能忘记橡皮筏翻倒的一刻,我两脚朝天的窘态。
    I can never forget the moment that the raft flipped and I saw the sky under my feet.

4. 他跟橡皮筏一样在河上漂流
    And we had to float in him down the river like he was a great bloated raft.

5. 你得穿特制的服装和救生衣以防橡皮筏倾覆。
    You will have to wear special clothing and life jacket in case the raft gets turned upside down.

6. 你得穿上特殊的衣服,戴上头盔,穿上救身衣,以防橡皮筏会倾翻或沉入水中。
    You have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket

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7. 你得身着特制的服装,以防橡皮筏倾翻或者沉入水中。
    You have to wear special clothing, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.

8. 橡皮筏的意思

8. 由橡皮筏上观看鲸鱼是毕生难忘的经验。
    Whale watching from Zodiacs is an unforgettable experience.

9. 每年,超过22000名游客在橡皮筏上划桨运动,桨――装有动力木制平底小船,而奢华的摩托化筏艇的厚度历史上有名的一段路程在科罗拉多的水中。
    Each year, some 22, 000 visitors board rubber paddle rafts, oar-powered wooden dories, and luxury motorized rafts to ply this storied stretch of the Colorado's waters.

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10. 把装备放在充气橡皮筏上他们跳入湖中,就任凭水流把他们冲向对岸。
    They plunged into the lake after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy, let the current carry them to the other side.

11. 橡皮筏在线翻译

11. 橡皮筏漂流到海上。
      The rubber raft drifted out to sea.

12. 橡皮筏被激流卷住,随之漂流出海而去。
      The rubber raft was caught by the current and drifted out to sea.