

欢颜[huān yán]

词典happy looks or appearance欢颜。

欢颜 汉英大词典

欢颜[huān yán]

happy looks or appearance

欢颜 网络解释

1. Joyful face:13 天涯 Skyline | 14 欢颜 Joyful face | 15 一了百了 Death ends all troubles

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2. Rejoice:01 Rejoice欢颜 | 03 Sancta Maria圣母玛利亚 | 04 Secret Love秘密情人

3. 欢颜是什么意思

3. Your Smiling Face:01. 原乡人 My Native Land | 02. 欢颜 Your Smiling Face | 03. 一剪梅 A Piece Of Plum

欢颜 双语例句

1. 欢颜的解释

1. 我不认为她的强作欢颜能使她父亲相信她在那个小孤
    I don`t think her forced smile will convince her father that she lives happily on that small lonely island.

2. 我可以使你展露欢颜
    And I can make you start to smile?

3. 欢颜的解释

3. 你是否会让我欢颜依旧?
    Would you make me smile once again?

4. 你可以让我的生命活得有意义;我可以让你重展欢颜
    When it's through, it's through, fate will twist the both of you

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5. 我只想看到你一次欢颜
    I only wanted to one time see u languhing!

6. 欢颜的反义词

6. 我只想看到你在紫雨中的欢颜
    I only wanted to see u languhing in the purple rain!

7. 我们的夏季、翠绿妖娆映眼、殷红欢颜围绕。
    Our summer, there are many surprises waiting of us.

8. 欢颜

8. 虽然经受着内心的煎熬,但他仍强作欢颜,这实属不易。
    It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching.

9. 虚伪的礼貌、强作欢颜他因作伪证而受到惩罚。
    An affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc He was punished for giving false evidence.

10. 作对某人不利的伪证虚伪的礼貌、强作欢颜
    Bear false witness against sb. an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc

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11. 不得不强作欢颜卖弄风骚,真是太可怕了。
      It was horrible to have to be affable and subservient.

12. 欢颜的近义词

12. 他有时强作欢颜,有时泪中含笑。
      He sometimes forces a tearful smile and sometimes smiles through his tears.

13. 欢颜

13. 左岸是寂寞,溢满了孤单的哀怨,那绽放的灼灼欢颜,瞬间枯萎成一种最后的感动,清晰了年轮的弧线。
      Left Bank is a lonely, overflowing a lonely sad, that bloom Shining smile, and instantly withered moved into a final, clear the ring of the arc.

14. 他强作欢颜说了声再见。
      He had to force a smile as he said goodbye.

15. 我很讨厌他那麽虚伪.虚伪的礼貌、强作欢颜
      His hypocrisy makes me sick. an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc

16. 她明白自己强作欢颜瞒不了谁的。
      She knew that her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing.

17. 你到处可看到欢颜笑脸。
      You can see smiling faces every-where.

18. 他告诉快乐王子每个人又重现了欢颜
      He told the Happy Prince that everyone looked happy again.

19. 你满面欢颜,光彩逼人。
      How happy and well you look.

20. 只会因正确而欢颜
      But rejoice in the right.