

欺人之谈[qī rén zhī tán]



欺人之谈 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. forked tongue:who is pulling ur strings?谁在给你撑腰? | forked tongue 欺人之谈 | double-cross 过河拆桥

欺人之谈 双语例句

1. 欺人之谈什么意思

1. 这是一个选拔工作中的文章PlayStation 3的欺人之谈
    This is a selection among article about Playstation 3 Hoax.

2. 他说自己已经遵守上帝的律法,这是欺人之谈
    His claim that he had kept the law of God was a deception.

3. 欺人之谈的解释

3. 如果你很认真地学习,却不明白对方的话,那很可能是因为对方在说模棱两可的欺人之谈
    If you cannot understand something after an honest effort, it's probably because the other guy is giving you double-talk.

4. 第三、即最后一点是:几乎所有这些不胜枚举的预言都是欺人之谈,都是在事件过后由无聊而狡猾的脑筋推测与凭空捏造的。
    The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.

5. 如果声称只要裁员就能解决我们的问题,那将是欺人之谈
    It would be spurious to claim that redundancies alone will solve our problems.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 这些欺人之谈常用的主要修辞手段包括拟人化、非人化、暗喻、低调陈述以及夸大其词等。
    It also explores doublespeak in terms of rhetorical devices, namely, personification, dehumanization, metaphor, understatement and inflation.

7. 欺人之谈的翻译

7. 这种强调「团队合作」的论调其实是欺人之谈&是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋。
    This emphasis on " teamwork " is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority.

8. 其他用来摆布人的欺人之谈还包括“这是为你好”以及“总有一天你会为此感谢我的”。
    Other examples of manipulative double-speak include, 'It's for your own good, 'and, 'One day you'll thank me for this.

9. 欺人之谈

9. 《圣荷西信使报》(SanJoseMercuryNews)的消费科技专栏作家特洛伊•沃尔夫顿今早在Twitter上称,这篇新闻稿简直就是“一堆奥维尔主义式的欺人之谈。”
    In a tweet this morning, Troy Wolverton, personal technology columnist for the San Jose Mercury News, described the release as " an amazing collection of Orwellian doublespeak. "

10. 欺人之谈的意思

10. 这种强调「团队合作」的论调其实是欺人之谈&是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋。
    This emphasis on " teamwork " is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority.

11. 欺人之谈的反义词

11. 其他用来摆布人的欺人之谈还包括“这是为你好”以及“总有一天你会为此感谢我的”。
      Other examples of manipulative double-speak include,'It's for your own good,'and,'One day you'll thank me for this.

12. 《圣荷西信使报》(SanJoseMercuryNews)的消费科技专栏作家特洛伊•沃尔夫顿今早在Twitter上称,这篇新闻稿简直就是“一堆奥维尔主义式的欺人之谈。”
      In a tweet this morning, Troy Wolverton, personal technology columnist for the San Jose Mercury News, described the release as " an amazing collection of Orwellian doublespeak. "