

正屋[zhènɡ wū]



正屋 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 成语寿终:活到老死;正寝:旧式住房的正屋。原指老死在家里。现比喻事物的灭亡。
    Die in one's bed; die a natural death; die in bed of old age; die peacefully in bed; have an easy and beautiful death; pass away peacefully

2. 正屋的翻译

2. 主要包括,池塘、禾坪、大门、排水沟、游廊、天井、巷道、正堂、正屋、花厅、花阶、围屋、杂屋、厕所、畜棚等。
    Including, ponds, Wo Ping, doors, gutters, Gallery, yards, the roadway is Church is housing, Huating, flower bands, Wei Wu, miscellaneous housing, toilets, and other animals shed.

3. 黎明以后日出之前睡在小屋里的小杰瑞从那沉重压抑的昏睡之中被他在正屋里的父亲惊醒了。
    From his oppressed slumber, Young Jerry in his closet was awakened after daybreak and before

4. 过去,每个传统中国家庭的正屋前面都有个小庭院。
    In the past, every Chinese traditional home had a small courtyard in front of the main building.

5. 过去,每个传统中国家庭的正屋前面都有个小庭院。
    In the past, every traditional Chinese home had a small courtyard in front of the main building.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 本公司系香港独资企业,分为正屋电子和秋野地公司。
    We have more than 15, 000 square meters modernized workroom and over 1000 workers.

7. 正厅位在正屋中央最明显的地方,主要是用於祭祀祖先,是属於家族共同使用的空间。
    Because the main-hall is in the middle of the semi-enclosed style, the other sides are wings.

8. 正屋的意思

8. 彼得斯夫人:现在,我得到正屋壁橱里取那些衣物。
    Mrs Perters: Well, I must get those things from the front room closet.

9. 正屋

9. 正屋电子生产、加工节能灯等电光源产品、电子变压器、电子镇流器、灯具及配套的塑料五金制品
    We have advanced technology and equipment of manufacturing energy saving lamps and electronic ballast.

10. 正屋的翻译

10. 正屋电子有限公司,专业生产逆变压器,产品具有高功率,超薄的特点,广泛地用于CCFLLCTFLCD扫描仪仪器仪表等。
    Are housing Electronics Co., Ltd., specializing in the production of inverse transformer, products with high power, ultra-thin characteristics, widely used in instrumentation CCFLLCTFLCD such as scanners.

11. 二进形制与一进略同,而明间则分为前后两部分,前面设堂位拜祖,设有祖先的神牌,客家人尊祖念宗,不忘自己的根,不忘先辈,逢年过节婚丧喜庆,男女老少都要齐集正屋上厅祭拜祖宗,在正中大门前的禾坪上舞龙舞狮,敲锣打鼓,尽情欢乐。
      With a binary shapes into strategies, and that while the two parts of divided into before and after, the court set up in front of Bai Jie, a licensing ancestral gods, Hakka Zunjie Nien, not forgetting their roots, not forget our ancestors, Fengnianguojie happy weddings and funerals, men, women and children have gathered at the Office of worship are on the ancestral estate, in the median in front of a large dragon and lion dances Wo terminal, Qiaoluodagu, Be Happy.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 柯林斯先生和夏绿蒂走到门口来了。在宾主频频点头脉脉微笑中,客人们在一道小门跟前停下了车,从这里穿过一条短短的鹅卵石铺道,便能直达正屋
      Mr. Collins and Charlotte appeared at the door, and the carriage stopped at a small gate, which led by a short gravel walk to the house, amidst the nods and smiles of the whole party.

13. 办公室的后门通向一条小巷。一个由通正屋的小巷窜远了;
      The back door of the office opens into a small lane.

14. 原来医院的药房是间小房子,通正屋,盖在园子里,现在已改为厨房和贮藏食物的地方了。
      The pharmacy of the hospital, a small building which had been added to the house, and abutted on the garden, had been transformed into a kitchen and cellar.