

正殿[zhèng diàn]

词典main hall[法]正厅。

正殿 汉英大词典

正殿[zhèng diàn]

main hall (in a palace or temple)

正殿 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. main hall:2. 形容词 [居中的] main | 正殿 : main hall | 3. 形容词 [正面] right

2. 正殿是什么意思

2. nave:memento mori 死亡的象征 | nave 正殿 | panel painting 板面画

3. throne room:thresherroot打穀人的草根 | throneroom正殿 | Thyme百里香

正殿 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 正殿左右配殿或作二层楼阁形式。
    Put about Peidian or two pavilion form.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 就在此时,一位参观者来到离教堂正殿一百码、内坛后面看不见的地方,庄严肃穆的艾撒克·牛顿爵士的墓旁。
    At that moment, a hundred yards down the nave, out of sight behind the choir screen, the stately tomb of Sir Isaac Newton had a lone visitor.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 他在内坛一角附近来回地踱步,深吸了一口气,随后抬头越过那长长的正殿,将目光落到远处的主圣坛上。
    Pacing now near the corner of the choir screen, he took a deep breath and glanced up the long nave toward the main altar in the distance.

4. 寺里正殿大雄宝殿为单檐庑殿式建筑,绿琉璃瓦菱心剪边屋顶,面宽三间,进深三间,平面用柱12根。
    Main hall of the temple verandadan 檐Main Hall for the architecture, green glazed tile roof edge shear ling heart, three wide, three deep into the plane with 12 columns.

5. 如果你可以来,我们所有的任正殿都可以提供入场的报名。。。
    If you cant make it, every venue in our system can sign up for it.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 如果你可以来,我们所有的任正殿都可以提供入场的报名。。。
    If you can急 make it, every venue in our system can sign up for it.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 对一些人来说,这一行动是正殿外面。
    For some, the action was outside the main hall.

8. 我以为他准是把我扔在外面再回正殿去,可并非如此。
    And I thought he must leave me alone then went back to the shrine. However, he did not.

9. 在皇宫里,每个正殿都有这种陈设。
    In the palace, each temple has such a display.

10. 他只是朝诵经高潮中的正殿回头望了望。
    All he did just turned around to the direction where the peak was from.

11. 现在佛光寺的正殿为唐代所建。
      Now for the main hall of the Buddha Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty.

12. 正殿是什么意思

12. 姜女庙由山门、正殿、后殿和振衣亭等建筑组成。
      Jiangnv temple by the gate, main hall, apse and vibration composed of clothing kiosks and other buildings.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 这种类型不见于一般的寺院建筑,而接近于古代宫阙中的正殿,即太极殿的形态。
      However, this type is not common in temples and is closer to Taekeukjeon, the central hall of ancient palace.

14. 现存建筑为清代风格,中轴线上有大门、照壁、仲景塑像、碑亭、山门、拜殿、冢墓、过殿、正殿;两侧有双廊、春台亭、秋风阁、仁术馆、仲景堂、智圆斋、寿膳堂等。1981年建立张仲景史文献馆。1988年被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。
      With the grave of Zhang Zhongjing, the present building was built in a style of the Qing Dynasty. Now there are buildings as the Main Gate, the Screenwall, the statue of Zhangzhongjing, the Tabletpavilion, the Gate, the Main Hall, the Grave, the passsing Hall.

15. 正殿是什么意思

15. 正殿建在高2米的石台基上,绕以汉白玉护栏,面阔9间,黄琉璃筒瓦庑殿顶,拱券式无梁建筑。
      The main hall built in the two-meter-high platform, around the white marble parapet, Miankuo nine, yellow glass Tongwa Wu Dianding, Gongquan no-beam construction.

16. 大雄宝殿即是正殿,或称大殿。
      Main Hall is the main hall, or basilica.

17. 正殿的解释

17. 寺内正殿已毁,现存建筑主要有南殿三间,东西配殿各三间,其它殿四间,禅房三间,垂花门一座,钟楼一座兼做山门。
      Inside the main hall has been destroyed, the existing building there are three South Hall, East and West side hall in a palace of the three other Hall 4, 3 Buddhist temple, achui hua door, taking a Shanmen clock tower.

18. 不过可不是每一家的生意都这么红火↓3、刚到一个陌生城市的我,到处寻找新鲜的景致,站在泡馍馆拿起相机漫无目的地一通乱拍,连房檐都不放过↓4、整个回民坊的街巷里,大概只有我才会对在路边的散步的公鸡母鸡都有着浓厚的爱好↓5、走着走着,就看见一处漂亮的古刹和院落,原来是一间保存完好的大清真寺↓还是正门对面的这个影壁最先吸引住了我的目光↓6、走进往看,每一处的建筑特色都是那么吸引我↓7、捧着相机,对院落里的任何一处古香古色的建筑细节都不放过↓8、正殿旁边的院落里也是别有洞天↓9、房顶上的月亮,标致着此处是正宗的清真寺建筑↓10、出得大院,几位回族长者们正坐在太阳底下闲聊,好让人羡慕↓11、清真寺门墩上的这个灵兽看了半天,也没辨出是什么动物↓12、从回民坊出来,沿着西大街再往西走就到了西安的城隍庙,光是牌楼上的这些木雕就已经让我仰头拍了半天↓12、城隍庙正殿保存的不是很好,西安市政府似乎也没有刻意地用现代木工活来翻修,于是才能看到大殿两侧这原汁原味儿的木雕大门↓13、大殿的房檐也跟牌楼一样有特色的↓14、牌楼两侧的小石狮子看上往也像古董呢↓哈,第一天的摄影作业交代完毕,明天再贴其它的
      Can not be each business nevertheless so prosperous ↓ 3, just arrived of new city I, seek new view everywhere, the station takes camera to overflow in house of bubble steamed bun aimlessly a chaos is patted, do not let off even eaves ↓ 4, in the street alley of lane of whole the Huis, probably only I just can am opposite there is grumous interest ↓ in the take a walk cock hen of roadside 5, going, see the ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes with one beautiful place and compound, it is one saves in good condition big mosque so this screen wall on ↓ or front door most the look ↓ that attracted me first 6, go in to look, the building distinguishing feature of each place is so attract my ↓ 7, boosting watch for a chance, to any one place in compound Gu Xianggu's lubricious construction details does not let off ↓ 8, also be to see a new world in the compound on the side of main hall ↓ 9, room apical moon, beautiful here is authentic mosque building ↓ 10, go out courtyard, better of a few the Hui nationality people sitting in the sun next prattle, ↓ of good envy letting a person 11, this clever animal on mosque gate pier looked a long time, also doing not have differentiate to go out is what animal ↓ 12, come out from the Huis lane, along the town god's temple that the ave went to Xi'an toward westing again on the west, light is a card these upstairs woodcarving had let me admired a head to pat ↓ a long time 12, what main hall of town god's temple saves is not very good, xi'an municipal government also uses contemporary carpentry to come alive without sedulous ground it seems that overhaul, then ability sees audience hall two side this former juice raw ingredient woodcarving gate ↓ 13, the eaves of audience hall also follows pailou same distinctive ↓ 14, the gravelstone lion of two side of pailou looks to also resemble antique ↓ is breathed out, photography homework of the first day is explained end, will stick other again tomorrow...

19. 正殿

19. 正殿,3沉箱坐在7层逐渐倾斜支架套在一个最复杂的屋面结构,您会看到在中国。
      In the main hall, three caissons sit on seven layers of gradually angled bracket sets in one of the most intricate roofing structures you'll see in China.

20. 泰山岱庙的正殿叫做天贶殿,从秦始皇开始,历朝皇帝都到泰山封禅祭天,到岱庙天贶殿行礼。
      Mount tai's dai temple, the main hall is called Kuang days from the start, the emperor qin shihuang buddhistic to mount tai FengChan flocks, dai temple of heaven to Kuang salute.