

正气凛然[zhèng qì lǐn rán]

词典awe-inspiring righteousness大义凛然;浩然正气;正气凛然。

词典with dignity and honour正气凛然。

正气凛然 汉英大词典

正气凛然[zhèng qì lǐn rán]

awe-inspiring righteousness; with dignity and honour

正气凛然 双语例句

1. 在那个时期,文艺界的许多同志和朋友,正气凛然地对他们进行了抵制和斗争。
    A great number of our comrades and friends in literary and art circles resisted or fought''.

2. 在那个时期,文艺界的许多同志和朋友,正气凛然地对他们进行了抵制和斗争。
    A great number of our comrades and friends in literary and art circles resisted or fought against Lin Biao and the Gang with dignity and honour.

3. 想到这里罗君正气凛然地扳倒镜框,取出B姑娘的照片扔到一边,把A姑娘的彩色剧照装进去。
    Luo took the picture of Miss B from the frame and threw it away, feeling well justified.

4. 虽然他是维多利亚时代典型的绅士,循规蹈矩、正气凛然;可失去理智时,他照样会在街头与人打架,毫不含糊。
    The very picture of an upright Victorian gentleman, Doyle was not averse to fighting in the street when the mood took him.

5. 他虽不会半点武功,但正气凛然,自有一股威风。
    You dare attack? he shouted at them.

6. 他在担任部落联盟首领时,面对外力威胁、盟内恶势力的要挟他都将个人的利益、生死等置之度外,表现的正气凛然,据理力争。
    When he was the leader of tribes union, he strived righteously for the tribe`s interest under the condition that outward power threatened him and inner malicious force coerced him.

7. 自甘随玉碎,不作绕指柔。慷慨悲壮,正气凛然
    Generous tragic, appeared solemn and composed.

8. 正气凛然的翻译

8. 最正气凛然的一句话:人不犯我,我不犯人。
    The most awe-inspiring one: if others let me alone, I'll let them alone.

9. 后者是忠肝义胆,具有锄强扶弱,正气凛然的精神,又有理直气壮与恶势力对抗的行为,以正义、公义为价值观。
    S power in order to finish their goal. The second ones are faithful and patriotic. They like to help the weak and confront with the bad guys. Their value is justice and righteous.

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10. 表现出一付理直气壮、正气凛然的态度。
    Acted in a reasonable and conscientious manner.