

武工队[wǔ gōng duì]

词典armed working team武工队。

武工队 汉英大词典

武工队[wǔ gōng duì]

[简] (武装工作队) armed working team

武工队 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 一天早上,我决定去看一支这样的武工队
    One morning I decided I would like to see one of these teams, so Mr.

2. 他就是这样以极大的耐心建立了一支武工队
    By dint of great patience, he built up an Armed Working Team.

3. 武工队

3. 所以李很为他们而自豪。很明显,他对这支武工队的重视大大超过了对民兵的重视。
    As a matter of fact, Li was very proud of them and it was clear to see that he held them in much greater esteem than the militia.

4. 在游击区,则在武工队的统一''。
    In guerrilla zones, guerrilla political power at county and district levels can be established under the unified''.

5. 武工队的意思

5. 这支力量叫做武工队
    This force was known as the Armed Working Team.

6. 武工队的解释

6. 八路军战士李昆仑作为武工队的一员回到了自己的家乡周庄。
    Eighth Route Army fighting Shilikunlun as a member of the armed working team returned to their home Zhouzhuang.

7. 武工队的军容和素质与民兵完全不同。
    In aspect, as well as training, these men were entirely different from the militiamen.

8. 武工队的意思

8. 在华北的两个解放区,他与普通的人民和士兵一起,甘苦与共,艰险饱尝,甚至参与了极其危险的武工队敌后捕俘除恶行动。
    In two liberated areas in North china, he shared the dangers hardships of the troops and people, and accompanied small " armed work group " in extremely perilous sallies far behind the enemy lines.

9. 武工队

9. 然后我们派遣武工队到群众中去进行活动。
    Then we sent our armed work teams to operate among the masses.

10. 武工队的反义词

10. 在华北的两个解放区,他与普通的人民和士兵一起,甘苦与共,艰险饱尝,甚至参与了极其危险的武工队敌后捕俘除恶行动。
    In two liberated areas in North china, he shared the dangers hardships of the troops and people, and accompanied small " armed work group " in extremely perilous sallies far behind the enemy lines.