1. 歧意
1. 即我们之间有些歧意。
We have to figure it out first.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准。
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
3. 然而,此一问题被认为是生医文献探勘中最困难的问题,原因是由於专有名词的建立并不需要遵循某种标准,因此导致命名或使用的歧意。
However, it may be the most difficult task in biomedical text mining, because of the lack of standardization of gene and protein names.
4. 歧意的解释
4. 当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准。
Of the President ofthe People's Republic of China on April 4, 1989, and effective as ofOctober 1, 1990
5. 当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准。
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shallprevail.
6. 当发生歧意时,应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准。
Those who wish to resume marriage relationship shall go through the same registration procedures as those for marriage.
7. 文章首先回溯了公民社会的概念渊源,指出公民社会语义的三层含义,以及现代应用中话语歧意的背景。
The essay first reviews the origins of the concept of civil society, and identifies three tiers of meaning as well as the background behind the various contemporary usages.
8. 歧意的近义词
8. 在理论方面,关于滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的异同点,学者们著文论述,各种观点歧意纷呈,无论那一种观点都有人支持有人反对。
In theory, on the crime of abuse of power and dereliction of duty comparative perspective, many scholars have written about, and intricate diversity of views, but there are people who either support the view that some people oppose it.
9. 歧意的意思
9. 中国代表团及其主要成员在巴黎和会中的表现,国内史学界的评价存有若干歧意。
In civil academia, there are some issues of action of the China Mission and its major members in the Paris Peace Meeting.