残杯冷炙[cán bēi lěng zhì]
词典the crumbs which fall from one's master's table:残杯冷炙。
词典dinner leftovers:残羹冷炙;残杯冷炙。
词典remains of a meal:残汤剩饭;残茶剩饭;残杯冷炙;残茶剩酒。
词典a scrappy dinner:残杯冷炙。
残杯冷炙[cán bēi lěng zhì]
(吃剩的酒食, 借指权贵的施舍) the crumbs which fall from one's master's table; dinner leftovers; remains of a meal; a scrappy dinner; crumbs from the table; scraps; swill; the leavings of meals