殡殓[bìn liàn]
encoffin a corpse and carry it to the grave
1. dndy:dnci 鞍山 | dndy 殡殓 | dnf 死脑筋
2. 殡殓
2. funeral:funding arrangements 提供款项安排 | funeral 殡殓 | death-bed and funeral expenses 临终及殡殓费用
1. 奴才曾详细问过殡殓贞妃的仵工,得知贞妃大殓之时,全身骨骼寸断,连头盖骨也都成为碎片。
When they put her in the coffin, there were multiple fractures in every bone in her body. Even her skull was in pieces.
2. 我们为何在出生之时高兴而在殡殓之时又悲伤呢?
Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral?
3. 我们为何在出生之时高兴而在殡殓之时又悲伤呢?
Why are that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral?
4. 殡殓在线翻译
4. 前总统的遗体将于明天举行国葬(注:殡殓后任人凭吊,葬前供公众瞻仰)。
The body of the former President will lie in state tomorrow.
5. 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。
Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuit s over their wills.
6. 印度庙提供的其他主要服务,还有主持殡殓仪式、安排火化和有关事宜,以及管理位于歌连臣角的印度教火葬场。
Other important services rendered by the temple include administration of last rites, arrangements for cremation and related ceremonies and the general upkeep of the Hindu crematorium at Cape Collinson.
7. 殡殓的解释
7. 前总统的遗体将于明天举行国葬(注:殡殓后任人凭吊,葬前供公众瞻仰)。
The body of the former President will lie in State tomorrow.
8. 殡殓什么意思
8. 凡将死者火化,因此或与此相关而适当招致的订明费用及开支,须当作为死者殡殓费的一部分。
The prescribed fees, and charges and expenses properly incurred in or in connection with the cremation of a deceased person, shall be deemed to be part of the funeral expenses of the deceased.
9. 我们为何在(人家)出生之时高兴而在殡殓之时又悲伤呢?是否因为我们不属于有关人士才这样的?
Why are that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? Are it because we are not the person concerned?
10. 殡殓
10. 动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。
Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.