


词典a little child毛孩子。

词典mere small child毛孩子。

毛孩子 双语例句

1. 为什么我相信,这样的一组很少或没有投资经验的毛孩子吗?
    Why do I have to believe that such a group of little or no investment experience毛孩子it?

2. 但是我只不过是个毛孩子,下定了决心就不再犹豫了。
    But I was only a boy, and I had made my mind up.

3. 喻 他的妻子在钱财方面还是个毛孩子。;他的妻子不善于理财。
    His wife's a child in money matters.

4. 毛孩子的解释

4. 没门。湖人绝不会在首轮跟这样一队毛孩子2-2战平之后,在斯台普斯丢掉第五场。
    No way were they going to lose Game 5 of a tied first-round playoff series at StaplesCenter to a team of toddlers.

5. 毛孩子

5. 更深一层说,科比还是一个被宠怀的毛孩子
    Deep down, kobe is still the spoiled brat

6. 你是个涉世未深的毛孩子
    You Are like A baby in the woods.

7. 毛孩子

7. 阿里王子只不过是那个毛孩子,阿拉丁。
    Prince Ali is nothing more than that ragged urchin, aladdin.

8. 毛孩子的反义词

8. 自然,安德烈公爵不是毛孩子,他不过问也能顺利地办成这件事,不过违背家父的旨意进入家门总不太妙。
    Of course, Prince Andrey is not a child, he can get on without him, but to enter a family against the father's will is not a nice thing to do.

9. 毛孩子的意思

9. 我在那能找到的医生全都是毛孩子
    Where I get whatever nine-year-old they just made a doctor.

10. 请不要让一个毛孩子毁掉我们努力奋斗一辈子的成果。
    Please do not allow a child to ruin what we have worked so hard to obtain.

11. 要不是船突然倾斜,我早就干掉你了。但是我不走运,实在是倒霉。看来我不得不服了。一个老水手败在你这样一个刚上船的毛孩子面前,真让人心里不好受,吉姆。
      I'd have had you but for that there lurch: but I don't have no luck, not I; and I reckon I'll have to strike which comes hard, you see, for a master mariner to a ship's younker like you, Jim.