

民夫[mín fū]



民夫 双语例句

1. 军官们派五斤面,地方官和交绅就加到八斤;派五斤草就加到十斤;派四辆车就加到十五辆;派六十个民夫就加到九十个,派一千块钱就加到一千五百块,等等。
    Thus, an assessment of five catties of flour became eight; five catties of hay, ten; four carts, fifteen; sixty transport carriers, ninety; and one thousand dollars requisitioned by officers was raised to fifteen hundred by gentry and officials.

2. 采用武装斗争的配合,伪装八路军劫回民夫、壮丁和被敌伪掠夺的金钱资材等方法,过去收效很大。
    In the past we achieved notable results in co-ordinating armed struggle with the work of lightening these burdens.

3. 高大的城墙下,数以万计的民夫,衣衫褴褛,在寒风中采石伐木,手拉肩抗。
    There were almost ten thousands of laborers with tattered clothes were quarrying and lumbering with their hands and shoulders in the cold wind at the bottom of the huge wall.

4. 几十万的民夫都被抓走了,他们中很多人再也没有回来。
    Hundred thousands men were conscripted and many of them not back.

5. 本官此来,代表的是朝廷,你放心,如果车马民夫有什么伤害。
    The officials of this, the representative of the court, you may rest assured that if the traveling porters any harm.

6. 边区里人人都得学习,民夫队里也一样。
    Because everyone in the Border Region had to study, educational work was carried on in the convoys.

7. 政府、学校所需要的粮食由它们自己出人运输,而军队和救灾所需要的粮食则组织民夫运输。
    Large amounts were needed whenever troops were concentrated for battle or to relieve grain shortages in the mountains.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 而每到这个时候,就会有监工让其它的民夫,将倒下的人的尸体,抬起来,堆砌进进尚未筑好的城墙里。
    At this time, the supervisor would call for the others to lift the dead body up and piled them into the unfinished wall.

9. 民夫什么意思

9. 他们抓走了一万名工人及—万八干名民夫去构筑防御工事,既不给饭吃也不发工资。
    None of these workers were fed or paid by the army.

10. 民夫

10. 游戏中的资源包括金钱,谷物,生肉,铁矿,木头,酒和民夫七种,玩家必须利用这些资源进行建设并完成任务。
    Resources include gold, grain, meat, metal, wood, food, wine, and workers.

11. 民夫

11. 民夫队可以称为边区的货运列车,这是政府运输大宗粮食的唯一办法。
      Transport was by hired labor, half-paid labor or free labor.

12. 从拓边战争与人口的关系看,对蕃族人口的诛杀、战场上士兵的死亡、运输途中民夫的伤亡等,都使得当地人口减少,不利于经济的发展。
      On the relationship between war in expedition and population, killing ethnic minorities, death of soldiers on battlefield, casualties of transit workers, all resulted in depopulation and made against economic development.