

气笛[qì dí]

词典air whistle气笛;汽笛;风笛。

气笛 汉英大词典

气笛[qì dí]

air whistle

气笛 网络解释

1. air whistle:空气清洗器 air washer | 气笛 air whistle | 艾氏波 Airy wave

2. air horn:气孔 air hole | 气笛 air horn | 空气马力 air horsepower

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. sirens:喇叭簧 horn reed | 气笛 sirens | 车铃 handle-bar bell

4. 气笛

4. siren:SIRA 稳定同位素比分析 | siren 气笛 | Sirius 天狼星

气笛 双语例句

1. 气笛

1. 船用空气瓶适用于贮存压缩空气,供舰船主、辅机的起动以及台鸣放气笛之用,也可用于作为气动设备的气泵。
    Apply to store compressed air for ship owners, the auxiliary starting and Taiwan Wong deflated Tik use, can also be used as a pneumatic equipment pump.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 肺量计是TalkTools吹气笛和肥皂泡治疗层次式训练的最佳辅助工具,目标针对发声控制和腹腔分级调控。
    The Spirometer is an excellent complement to the TalkTools Horn and Bubble Hierarchies which target phonatory control and abdominal grading.

3. 气笛的近义词

3. 当雾中在航,你听到一长声接着两短声的气笛信号。
    While underway, in fog, you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts.

4. 镀铬的气笛会产生强大的信号。
    The chrome-plated air horns produce a powerful signal.

5. 甚至那些拥有轮桨蒸气引擎的旧式江轮,当内部太热时,也可以藉由鸣气笛释放一些压力,而且每一个人可以在甲板上放松的看著河岸的经过,水流缓慢的在深的河沟中流动著并跟随著,从容不迫从这里流向那里
    Even those old riverboats, with their paddle wheels and steam engines, could relieve some pressure by blowing their whistles when things got too hot inside, and everyone could relax on deck, watching the riverbanks go by, and the slow flow of the water in the deep channels they followed, taking their time to get from here to there