

水乳交融[shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng]


词典get along swimmingly with each other水乳交融。

词典be in perfect [complete] harmony

词典blend as well as milk and water水乳交融。


词典completely blended like milk and water -- in complete harmony水乳交融。

水乳交融 汉英大词典

水乳交融[shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng]

get along swimmingly with each other; be in perfect [complete] harmony; blend as well as milk and water; completely blended like milk and water -- in complete harmony; mixed well like milk and water

水乳交融 网络解释

1. perfect harmony:careful consideration 深思熟虑 | perfect harmony 水乳交融 | feed on fancies 画饼充饥

2. 水乳交融的意思

2. as well blended as milk and water:手疾眼快 quick of eye and deft of hand | 喜怒哀乐 anger, grief, joy and happiness | 水乳交融 as well blended as milk and water

3. to march to the beat of a different drummer H:( )7.coup de foudre G.如履薄冰 | ( )8.to march to the beat of a different drummer H.水乳交融 | ( )9.to see red I.另辟蹊径

4. 水乳交融的近义词

4. be hand and/in glove with:142. 以德报怨return good for evil | 143. 水乳交融be hand and/in glove with | 144. 水性杨花unstable as water