1. P. heteroclada Oliv:看麦娘 Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. | 水竹 P. heteroclada Oliv. | 毛竹 P. pubescens Mazel. ex H. De Lehaie
2. 水竹什么意思
2. Phyllostachys congesta:箬 竹 Indocalamus tessellatus | 水 竹 Phyllostachys congesta | 紫 竹 Phyllostachys nigra
3. Phyllostachys heteroclada:文竹 = Asparagus Fern | 水竹 = Phyllostachys Heteroclada | 郁金香 = Tulip
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. Ph. Heteroclada Oliv:人面竹 Phyllostachys aurea Carr. | 斑竹 Ph. Bambosoides Sieb. Et Zucc. | 水竹 Ph. Heteroclada Oliv.
1. 美人蕉、香蒲、灯心草和水竹在正常生长期内对污染物的去除效果之间无明显差异。
Under normal growth period, there is no significant difference among cannas, typhus, juncos and water bamboo.
2. 水竹
2. 这里生长着15属58种竹子,除盛产常见的楠竹、水竹、慈竹外,还有紫竹、罗汉竹、人面竹、鸳鸯竹等珍稀竹种。
Here the growth of the 15 genera 58 kinds of bamboo, with the exception of common bamboo-rich, water bamboo, bamboo-chee, there Shichiku, Rohan bamboo face bamboo, bamboo Yuanyang rare bamboo species.
3. 水竹在线翻译
3. 除盛产常见的楠竹、水竹、慈竹外,还有紫竹、罗汉竹、人面竹、鸳鸯竹等珍稀竹种。
In addition to the common bamboo-rich, water bamboo, bamboo-chee, there are black bamboo, bamboo Lohan, human face bamboo, bamboo and other rare bamboo species mandarin duck.
4. 野生大熊猫得到大部分他们需要的水竹,草,其内容有大约一半的水。
Wild giant pandas get much of the water they need from bamboo, a grass whose contents are about half water.
5. 美人蕉和水竹生长期最长,且生物量和细根量增长最大,这两种植物对污水的净化效果比香蒲和灯心草更好。
But cannas and water bamboo has longer growth period, as well as larger biomass and amount of fine roots.
6. 水竹的近义词
6. 常用的有毛竹、早竹、水竹、青篾竹等。
There are commonly used bamboo, bamboo as early as, water bamboo, green bamboo, such as bamboo.
7. 今天我到市场卖比萨饼在富裕地区,如你所知,富翁生活在黄金屋,但他肚子不适是由黄金、他不占任何花费买披萨,我花了一整天,但什么都没有,这是我人生保险、什么抱怨,它叫我用一桶水竹得到它,但我可以有什么,水桶是空的!
Today I went to market to sell pizza in richer area, as you know, the rich man lives in the gold house, but his tummy is made by gold, he doesn't spent any cent to buy pizza, I spent all day but got nothing, this ia my life, and nothing can complain, it is called I use the bucket of bamboo to get the water but nothing I could have it, the bucket is empty!
8. 水竹
8. 餐饮部可同时容纳一千人就餐,其中水竹苑是本市第一家水上餐厅,美食和美景的结合让人耳目一新。
Food and Beverage at the same time to accommodate a thousand people dining, water Zhu Yuan is the city's first floating restaurant, food and beauty of the combination of fresh and new people.
9. 水竹的解释
9. 刘学询淡出政坛,开始加快打造杭州水竹居的步伐。
Seaborne financial investors could be in for a bout of seasickness.
10. 锦紫苏、九重葛、银边翠、水竹草、紫罗兰、百子莲、三色堇、平民兰和醉蝶花,她们交换各种插条,跨州运送它们,为的是让它们在自己家里繁殖。
1Coleus, 2bougainvillea, 3snow-on-the-mountain, 4wandering Jew, 5violets, 6agapanthus, 7Johnny-jump-ups, 8poor-man`s-orchid, 9spider. They trade cuttings, smuggling them over state lines, to 10propagate at home.
11. 水竹的近义词
11. 竹子的选用非常关键,有白竹、水竹、锦竹三种,然而制作芦笙最好的是白竹。
It is of key importance to select bamboo and there are Phyllostachys heteroclada, white bamboo and others, among which the white bamboo is the best one to be chosen as material.
12. 水竹
12. 不同采收期水竹制备成的竹沥质量存在指纹特征的差异。
There existed certain fingerprints differences of bamboo juice quality in different periods.
13. 水竹择伐人工异龄林地下鞭结构及其与土壤间关系的研究
Study on relationship between the structure of underground rhizome of uneven-aged planted Fishscale bamboo forest (phyllostachys heterocalada) through the selective cutting and its soil
14. danci.911cha.com
14. 水竹杆锈病防治试验
Controlling Culm Rust on Fishscale Bamboo