求田问舍[qiú tián wèn shè]
词典interested exclusively in the acquisition of sb.'s estate:求田问舍。
词典busy oneself with business deals and have no higher ambition in life
求田问舍[qiú tián wèn shè]
interested exclusively in the acquisition of sb.'s estate; busy oneself with business deals and have no higher ambition in life
1. 求田问舍的反义词
1. 其三,也有人担心,两岸往来更加便利,会促使许多国人前往中国大陆购物、旅游,乃至求田问舍,让台湾的资金流失、商机消逝,打击坚持留在台湾经营的厂商,并推迫房地产价格加速滑落,坐令金融危机急遽恶化。
This would cause capital to flow out of Taiwan and business opportunities to disappear, and strike a blow at those companies that insist on staying and doing business in Taiwan while forcing the slide in real-estate prices to accelerate, thus causing the financial situation to deteriorate even more.