





汇拢 双语例句

1. 汇拢的翻译

1. 第一时间,汇拢华人力量
    The first time, the strength of the Chinese Long

2. 然后,评价和总结的前提,是整理和汇拢
    This is considered as a project of long-standing value.

3. 汇拢的意思

3. 对于意识的研究以对于全麻机制的研究开始汇拢起来。
    The investigation of consciousnessand the mechanisms of general anesthesia have begun to converge.

4. 父母的爱就像百合的清香凝成的感动,慢慢地汇拢,不再飘散。
    Whose love was like a lily fragrance cemented moved slowly Health Long is no longer released into the atmosphere.

5. 从形式上看,它们仅仅是一些竹篾汇拢起来的一个统一体,这很像云南本身,一条将不同的文化和自然环境编织在一起的挂毯。
    As I look at them, I see that they, literally, are a number of reeds intertwined to create a unified form, similar to Yunnan, a tapestry of culture and natural environment.

6. 汇拢的翻译

6. 这种贷款通常来自于投资资金的汇拢或收集,其目的是向所有需要通过短期贷款来运作的公司提供金融援助。
    Such loans usually come from pools, or collections, of investment money. The goal is to provide financial help to all companies that need short-term loans to operate.

7. 人群向电影明星那边汇拢过去。
    The crowd converged on the movie star.

8. 我们认为,隋人确实把隋以前书法的不同风格都汇拢到了一起,这集中表现出质朴风格和妍美风格的融汇,和对一种具有妍质兼备特征的规范的追求。
    In this thesis, we divide works of Calligraphy in Sui Dynasty into ink marks and carved stone, and at the same time we analyze and expound their different styles.

9. 该项OpenGroup的新标准试图将它们汇拢并有效地组织起来,从而建立一套通用的SOA语言。
    A new Open Group standard that is trying to bring together and organize these definitions is a huge step in creation of a common SOA language.

10. 队员们汇拢到一起。
    The team is gathering together.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. 或许F地的道路是处在一个有较多危险的曲折、急弯、或有许多十字路口或车道汇拢处的、较可能发生事故的区域。
      Are there more people in Forestville than there were sic months ago? If so, there may be an increased number of accidents due to more automobiles on the road, and not due to the increased speed limits.