




词典streaming with sweat汗流夹背。

汗流夹背 网络解释

1. sweatinessswelter:sweatiness 出汗 | sweatinessswelter 汗流夹背 | sweatingallover 一身汗

汗流夹背 双语例句

1. 汗流夹背是什么意思

1. 这时,我已不再在澳洲的悉尼,置身于热浪滚滚,汗流夹背的夜晚了。
    No longer was I in Sydeny, Australia, on a sticky heat-wave night.

2. 汗流夹背

2. 我可不想再汗流夹背地度过另外一个潮湿闷热的夏天了。
    I do not want to swelter through another hot and humid summer.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 他在佛罗里达州汗流夹背,而我们在这里却冷得发抖。
    He is sweltering in Florida while we are freezing up here.

4. 汗流夹背的反义词

4. 水是必需品,因为爬山一般都很累,而且经常是汗流夹背,所以应该及时补充水分。
    Water is the necessity, because mountain climbing is very tired and most people would be sweatiness.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我在处理肚子上的伤口时,在处理带有穿孔的肺时,在处理骨折时曾经汗流夹背
    I'd sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly of punctured lungs, of compound fractures.

6. 除了这种汗流夹背的庆祝活动,人们还有很多其他传统方式来庆祝节日
    Besides the sweaty celebrations, people will mark the festival with other traditions.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 他汗流夹背。不适合
    He was adrip with perspiration.

8. 汗流夹背的厨师们爆发出一阵哄堂大笑。
    A shout of laughter went up from the sweating cooks.

9. 我一般都会热心回答,但是坐在路边汗流夹背,我真的无法回答他的问题,所以就没说话。
    It's not like me, but sitting there soaked in sweat, I just couldn't get myself to answer him.

10. 这位已经汗流夹背的锋位摇摆人正在全神贯注在他身旁行李上的篮球和距离20英尺的篮框。
    The sweat-drenched swing-man was intensely focused on the rack of balls by his side and the basket that stood twenty feet away.