

汗褂[hàn ɡuà]



汗褂 双语例句

1. 汗褂的反义词

1. 请等一下,让我想一想,啊,记起来了,有的有的,但不算多——去年署天我穿的几套旧的汗褂裤,与几双缝上底的线袜,已交给我的妻放在深山坞里保藏着--怕国军进攻时,被人抢了去,准备今年署天拿出来再穿;那些就算是我唯一的财产了。
    Um, wait a minute, please, let me see. Ah, that`s it, yes, I have. But not much, ------some old pants I wore last summer, and several pairs of sockets with their soles sewed, which were all tucked away by my wife in the deep woods---in case, they would be looted by someone when the Kuomintong Army assaulted, well then I will have nothing to wear this summer; they`re all I have.