

江湖艺人[jiāng hú yì rén]



词典wandering performer江湖艺人。

词典itinerant entertainer江湖艺人。

江湖艺人 汉英大词典

江湖艺人[jiāng hú yì rén]

wandering performer; itinerant entertainer

江湖艺人 网络解释

1. barnstormer:barnstormer 次等艺人 | barnstormer 江湖艺人 | barnyard 周围的院地

江湖艺人 双语例句

1. 江湖艺人

1. 黑夜来了。路路通又重新回到了辨天区。他在大街上溜溜达达,只见到处是五光十色的灯笼。他欣赏着那些闯江湖艺人的惊人绝技和那些在空地上招徕了许多观众来看望远镜的星象家。
    Night came, and Passepartout re-entered the native quarter, where he wandered through the streets, lit by vari-coloured lanterns, looking on at the dancers who were executing skilful steps and boundings, and the astrologers who stood in the open air with their telescopes.

2. 夜晚穿着粗罩衫扎着皮裹腿到处游荡的男人,现在学着变戏法和江湖艺人的装束也挽上绸衣,戴上插有羽毛的帽子出来了。
    Men who had lounged about all night in smock- frock s and leather leggings, came out in silken vests and hats and plumes, as jugglers or mountebanks

3. 他是个江湖艺人
    He is an itinerant entertainer.

4. 江湖艺人

4. 他是个说书的江湖艺人
    He was a wandering storyteller.

5. 热闹的场面变成了他最热衷的主题,在他的《江湖艺人》中,粉红色取代了蓝色作为最常见的色彩。
    Circus theme became a favorite subject, and pink replaced blue as the predominant color, as in the Family of Saltimbanques.

6. 路路通决定再等几个钟头,但是当他在路上走着的时候,忽然心血来潮,他觉得要是穿上一套江湖艺人的衣服,岂不更妙?
    Passepartout therefore decided to wait several hours; and, as he was sauntering along, it occurred to him that he would seem rather too well dressed for a wandering artist.

7. 江湖艺人的翻译

7. 那两个孩子,也许是被什么警察收留关进拘留所了,或是被什么江湖艺人拐走了,或者压根儿就是迷失在这个无边无际的巴黎迷宫里了,他们没有回来。
    The two children, picked up by some policeman and placed in the refuge, or stolen by some mountebank, or having simply strayed off in that immense Chinese puzzle of a Paris, did not return.

8. 江湖艺人的反义词

8. 在十二岁那年,她坐着一架江湖艺人的杂耍飞机上天飞了一趟,从那时候起,她疯狂地迷恋上了飞行,并在自己十六岁那年就获得了飞行执照。
    Born Nancy Harkness in Houghton, Michigan on February 14, 1914, she was bitten by the flying bug at age twelve, when she took a ride in a barnstormer's airplane. She earned her own pilot's license at the age of sixteen.