




汪古部 双语例句

1. 我们的研究表明四子王旗城卜子遗址汪古部古代人群的母系遗传结构是相当复杂的,可能包含了东亚、西伯利亚和欧洲成份,亚洲谱系可能贡献得更多。
    At the same time, according to the historic documents, both Uzbeks and Uighurs are descendants of Turki.

2. 汪古部人群与现今人群之间的系统发育分析和多维尺度分析一致表明汪古部与现代的中亚人群具有较近的亲缘关系。
    Phylogenetic analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis show the affinity of Wanggu tribe and some populations in Central Asia.

3. 另外,汪古部人群在遗传距离上与乌兹别克人最近(0.0271),与维吾尔人次之(0.0484)。
    Moreover, Wanggu tribe is the most closely related to the Uzbeks and Uighurs in terms of genetic distance.

4. 有元一代,汪古部一直都是元统治者进行征服与直接统治中国华北的重要部落。
    Under these circumstances, the tribe also formed close relationship with Shan-hsi Region in the Mongol-Yuan Period.

5. 我们的研究结果支持汪古部的突厥起源论。
    The Asian lineage probably contributes more to the ancient population.

6. 另外,汪古部与现在的属于不同突厥部族后裔的维吾尔族和乌兹别克族人群有着很近的亲缘关系,从某种程度上反映了汪古部与这两个人群有着共同的起源模式。
    The present study shows that the genetic structure of Wanggu tribe is quite complex in matriline and it is likely from the admixture between European and Asian including East Asian and Siberian.

7. 汪古部什么意思

7. 与汪古部古代个体序列共享的人群主要分布在东亚、西伯利亚,中亚,个别分布在欧洲。
    Most sequences of Wanggu tribe are shared by Asian including East Asian, Siberian and Central Asian, minority of sequences share with European.

8. 比较有影响力的有:蒙古部、乃蛮部、塔塔尔部、弘吉剌部、扎剌亦儿部、克烈部、汪古部
    Comparison of influential are: the Mongolian Ministry of the Ministry of乃蛮, Tatar Department of the Ministry of弘吉assassination, bar the Department of La also children, kerei Department of the Ministry of Wang ancient.

9. 有元一代,汪古部一直都是元统治者进行征服与直接统治中国华北的重要部落。
    The Onggud Tribe was an important domain through which the Mongol-Yuan Dynasties could conquer and reign over northern China.