






没味 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 因为你,因为热干面,我吃什么都没味
    Because of you, because of hot dry noodles, I never had the feeling of tasty.

2. 你也能香喷喷的,但除非你身上没味了,要不然就等于警察递上条子,给出方向,还有车费。
    Kinte, you can smell like a bouquet of bonbons, but unless you get rid of your smell you might as well send a note to the police with directions and some cab fare.

3. 没味是什么意思

3. 那段时间嘴里没味或苦我就吃点水果糖。
    During that time mouth did not taste or bitter fruit I eat sugar.

4. 没味的解释

4. 你们出口到所有的国家的大蒜都很辣,但是没味
    The garlic you export to all countries have pungency, but no flavour.

5. 根据菜的类型,考虑用炒,还是煮。并选择合适的调料(通用的调料是蒜头和蚝油)。有些菜本身没味更要加调料或肉、虾、香菇等。
    According to the specific vegetable, choose suitable fixings, and decide to poach or to fry.

6. 没味在线翻译

6. 鱼做得太烂了,没滋没味的。
    The fish was mushy and tasteless.

7. 没味的翻译

7. 曾经有一次吃晚饭时,我觉得汤淡得没味
    Once when having supper, I found that the soup tasted watery.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. “少油减盐”的健康烹饪概念已经在老年人群中建立起来,这样做出来的菜肴符合健康概念,可是不少老年人都感觉吃着没味
    " Less salt, less oil, " the concept of healthy cooking in the elderly population has been established, do the dishes out of line with the concept of health, but many elderly people feel eating watery.

9. 没味的解释

9. 伦敦的气候糟糕,人也没劲,各种娱乐好像没味的白水一杯。
    The weather was bad, the people were dull, and the amusements of London seemed as exciting as a glass of cold water.

10. “少油减盐”的健康烹饪概念已经在老年人群中建立起来,这样做出来的菜肴符合健康概念,可是不少老年人都感觉吃着没味
    " Less salt, less oil," the concept of healthy cooking in the elderly population has been established, do the dishes out of line with the concept of health, but many elderly people feel eating watery.

11. 手边没味霖时,可用烹饪米酒加点红糖代替,但是我不知道这样的效果如何。
      You may be able to substitute rice wine and brown sugar if mirin isn`t available, but I don`t know how well that will work.