



词典feel too shamed to没脸。

没脸 网络解释

1. Sweating::-< 皱眉,反对,不快, Frowning | ':-) 吃力,不快,没脸,羞羞 Sweating | @>--;-- 爱你,好喜欢,做个朋友吧 A Rose, I love you

没脸 双语例句

1. 没脸的反义词

1. 去之前想,好歹是代表一中啊,去了拿不到第一这是没脸回来见江东父老的。但是想起那天可以堂而皇
    I`m not good at writing, at least in English. but i just want to write to remember some. the days we had the songs we sang together.

2. 没脸的近义词

2. 我以后没脸见人了。
    I`m never going to live it down.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 如果你再这样没脸没皮的,别怪我不客气。
    You`ll get the rough side of my tongue if you`re cheeky again.

4. 没脸在线翻译

4. 绾绾,变态就当看猴耍好了,观察一下没脸没皮到底能进行到什么程度
    It's really a pleasure to see so many friends here doing everything they can to protect small animals.

5. 没脸

5. 他总是这样没皮没脸的,招人讨厌。
    He is always shameless, and is repulsive to others.

6. 没脸

6. 如果你们俩都出了事情,我就再也没脸面对你们的父亲了。
    If somethings would happen to you both, I never could face father again.

7. 真倒霉!当我在Huyton跳下车的时候,我觉得没脸面对我的家乡。
    Fuck. When I jumped off the train at Huyton, I couldn`t face Ironside.

8. 没脸的解释

8. 这种尴尬而有趣的场面我还是第一次看到,我也没脸在读下去了,放好书便开溜了,走时心里还想在看看书中接下来的精彩内容,可我却不得不走。
    Awkward and interesting scenes I first saw, and I read on the Mei Lian, and let it bugger books, and when the mind would also like to take the next exciting to see the contents of the book, but I had to go.

9. 我给你脸你不要脸,我翻脸你没脸
    I give your face you don't give me, I trun my face you lost your face!

10. 早晨天一亮,她就把汤姆叫到外边,让他在木棚里站好,然后没头没脸地给他浇上一阵凉水。
    She had him out at daylight every morning, stood him up in the woodshed and drowned him with a deluge of cold water

11. 可别说这种没脸的话。
      Don't talk in that way, it is perfectly scandalous.

12. 那就当我不认识你,谁也没脸给。
      Then I'd like to pretend that I never know you.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 这要是换了我,就再也没脸来了。
      I would be too embarrassed to come into a store if this would happen.

14. 要是别人知道了,我就没脸见人了。
      I shouldn't dare to show my face if people knew.

15. 那就会叫你完全丧失人格,叫你再也没脸见人。
      It would strip your honour from you, and leave you naked.

16. 我自己觉得真是没脸见人了,很不得找个地缝钻进去。
      It is a real challenge for me to be interviewed in English from start to the end.

17. 你知道她会到处嚷嚷告诉城里每个人的,这样我就没脸见人了,媚兰抽沿着说。
      You know she'll cry and tell everybody in town and I'll be disgraced, sobbed Melanie.

18. 莫说了,没皮没脸的!
      None of your cheek!

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 我才不愿呢!要是被朋友看到我在加油站打工,我就没脸活下去了。
      No way! I'd never live it down if my friends saw me working there.

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. 他们说,像你这样一个没脸没皮、伶牙俐齿的动物,外加钱袋的力量,没有一条刑法能给你定罪。
      They said that no criminal laws had ever been known to prevail against cheek and plausibility such as yours, combined with the power of a long purse.