1. 将30只新西兰兔随机分为对照组(5只)及淹溺组(25只),沦溺组根据观察时间段分为l0'、30'、60'、90'、120'组(每组5只),采用气管切开插入塑料导管、向气管内灌海水3mL/kg、双肺自主通气的方法进行兔海水淹溺肺水肿模型复制。
Methods: 30 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the control group (n=5) and the drowning group(n=25), according to different drowning times, the latter were divided into 10min, 30min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min group (5 rabbits each group). The pulmonary edema model was established with inserting plastic tube into the trachea of rabbits, and seawater (3 mL/kg) was poured into air tube with both lungs auto ventilated of the process when drowning.