

沧波[cāng bō]

词典blue waves沧波。

沧波 汉英大词典

沧波[cāng bō]


blue waves

沧波 双语例句

1. 沧波的意思

1. 回了次沧波门,那里的一。。
    Who you are, One Nation under a thug and bullet scar

2. 回了次沧波门,那里的一。。
    One Nation, young, black and dangerous by far

3. 沧波是什么意思

3. 谁能出口献天子,一致大树凌沧波
    Who exports offer the Son of Heaven, consistent treeרLing.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 我们当教师的知识不够博雅,不是金字塔,不懂得文史哲数理化如何一以贯之,不知道面对著浩瀚学海,如何可以一苇而渡沧波,只看到眼前波涛兼天汹涌,驾著自己的一叶小舟,怕的是既无灯塔,亦无罗盘,连航海图都没有,淹不死那才是命大。
    Sure, policymakers for the education reform could feel well and smug, they grumbled, but front-line teachers are just folks neither learned nor cultured enough to have a pyramidal grasp of all the liberal arts subjects.