

沪杭铁路[hù hánɡ tiě lù]


沪杭铁路 双语例句

1. 在本区域内,国道312,国道204,高速公路沪宁线,沪嘉线,高等级公路上海市外环线,祁连山路,真北路等构成快速干道网络:铁路沪宁线,沪杭环围线,南何支线的上海西站,南翔站,桃浦站,以及周边的上海虹桥国际机场和上海张华浜码头,形成运输网络布局。
    Easy access i s enjoyed here to a network of expressways leading to the downtown Shanghai and neighboring provinces.

2. 据悉,该铁路建成后主要是为了上海洋山深水港货物和湖州市矿产资源进出及加快嘉兴港区的发展,也是沟通宣杭铁路与沪杭铁路的重要联络线。
    It is also a very important line for connecting Xuancheng-Hangzhou railroad and Shanghai-Hangzhou railroad.

3. 据悉,该铁路建成后主要是为了上海洋山深水港货物和湖州市矿产资源进出及加快嘉兴港区的发展,也是沟通宣杭铁路与沪杭铁路的重要联络线。
    I t is also a very important line for connecting (It will be a very important junction of) Xuancheng-Hangzhou R ailroad and Shanghai-Hangzhou R ailroad.

4. 在此基础上预测了2015年沪杭各类铁路及公路的客流分担率。
    At last, the mode split in the Huhang corridor was forecasted basing on the best model.

5. 目前随着京沪和沪杭高速铁路的逐步启动,沿线设站城市都意识到高铁对城市的巨大影响,但究竟高铁车站对城市的影响有多大,会带来哪些产业的增长,国内理论研究还比较空白。
    Along with the development projects of high speed train from Shanghai to Beijing and the one from Shanghai to Hangzhou, the cities with stations along the railway lines can feel the influence of high speed train transportation.

6. 26日,沪杭高速铁路正式动工。2011年投入使用后,从杭州到上海只要38分钟,而现在需要约一小时。
    When the service starts in 2011, travel time from Hangzhou to Shanghai will fall to 38 minutes from more than an hour at present.

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7. 以江浙沪交汇处的独特地理位置为基础,以沪杭铁路车站、沪杭高速公路道口、黄浦江千吨码头为依托,精心构筑的储运业,是一个充满活力的物流中心。
    On the basis of railway station, Huhang Expressway and 1000 ton port of Huangpu river, storage and transportation industry develops rapidly.

8. 厉志海介绍,特别是铁路方面,沪杭客专项目等争取今年年底就开工,原本计划放在后年的杭长客专项目、九景衢铁路现在也要争取明年开工,一批高速公路项目实施时间都体现能紧则紧的要求。
    Li Zhihai introduced, especially the railways, the Shanghai-Hangzhou and other customer-designed projects for the end of this year to start, originally planned to hang on the year after the long-off post-secondary projects, nine King Jinqu railway to start now to fight for next year, a number of expressway project implementation time to keep it tight embody requirements.

9. 沪杭铁路是什么意思

9. 南靠沪杭甬高速公路,北有萧甬铁路及329 国道,交通十分便捷。
    Shanghai and Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway south, north Hsiao Ningbo railway and 329 national highway, traffic is very convenient.

10. 沪杭铁路

10. 目前,长三角区域内有沪宁、沪杭和萧甬3条铁路干线,共有铁路2100公里,仅占全国铁路总长度的2.8%,人均拥有铁路仅2.7厘米,不如一根香烟长。
    Currently, the Delta region have Huning, Shanghai and Hsiao Yung three railway lines, a total of 2, 100 km railway, only 2.8% of total length of the national railway, the railway has only 2.7 cm per capita than a cigarette long.

11. 沪杭铁路的意思

11. 绍兴京山汽车配件有限公司和绍兴金江机械有限公司是由国营绍兴汽车配件总厂改制后新组建的企业,公司地处山川映发,水木清华的历史文化名城绍兴市西郊,南傍104国道和杭甬双轨铁路,北临大运河及沪杭甬高速公路,西至杭州国际机场20公里,东达宁波港101公里,海、陆、空交通十分便捷。
      Located in the west of the famous historic city-shaoxing, the company enjoys convenient transportation, which is contiguous with no.104 national highway and hangyong double-rail railway on the south, connecting the canal and luhangyong speedway on the north, only 20 km from hangzhou international airport in the west and 101 km from ninbo harbor.

12. 公司地处山川映发,水木清华的历史文化名城绍兴市西郊,南傍104国道和杭甬双轨铁路,北临大运河及沪杭甬高速公路,西至杭州国际机场20公里,东达宁波港101公里,海、陆、空交通十分便捷。
      Located in the west of the famous historic city-Shaoxing, the company enjoys convenient transportation, which is contiguous with No.104 National highway and Hangyong double-rail railway on the South, connecting the Canal and Luhangyong speedway on the North, only 20 km from Hangzhou International Airport in the west and 101 km from Ninbo Harbor.

13. 沪杭铁路的意思

13. 在沪杭铁路上的列车员都认识我了之后,我也找到了称心的房子。
      Shanghai Railway in the Liecheyun know me, I have found Heart of the house.

14. 公路:沪闵路高架,沪杭甬高速,沪宁高速,铁路沪杭线可达
      By Highways: Humin Road Elevated Road, Huhangyong Expressway, Huning Expressway and Huhang Railway

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. 依托工业区南侧的石化股份公司沪杭铁路金卫支线。
      The SPC Huhang Railway Jinwei Branch in the south of the Industrial Zone is employed for the Industrial Zone railway transportation.

16. 嘉兴火车站是沪杭铁路复线中间的唯一大站,各次主要客、货运列车均在嘉兴站停靠。
      Jiaxing Railway Station the unique large station in the middle of the Shanghai-Hangzhou Dual Railway provides services to passengers and freight passing through Jiaxing.

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17. 上海轨道交通明珠线跨沪宁、沪杭铁路钢梁桥施工
      Construction of steel girder bridge on the Shanghai UMT Pearl Line for striding Hu Ning and Hu hang Railways

18. 目前沪宁/沪杭铁路上海段仅依靠普通宏站覆盖,手机往往因缺乏主力小区覆盖或其它原因造成切换错误,导致掉话。
      Mobile phones are often the main plot because of the lack of coverage or other reasons for switching error, resulting in dropped calls.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 随着武广、郑西、沪宁、沪杭等350km/h高速铁路的相继开通,标志着中国高速铁路已经进入快速发展时期。
      With the commercial operation of Wuhan-Guangzhou, Zhengzhou-Xi'an, Shanghai-Nanjing, Nanjing-Hangzhou and other 350km/h high speed lines, the high speed railway in China has entered into a rapid development period.

20. 结合上海市轨道交通9号线一期工程R413标段九亭站-七宝站区间盾构隧道下穿沪杭铁路工程,对工程可能出现的风险进行分析,并作出相应对策。
      Based on risk analysis of the project of rail transit NO. 9 beneath railway between Shanghai and Hangzhou, countermeasures for the risk have been proposed.