1. 油绿
1. 而那广袤的大地,又已生长出了油绿的庄稼。
But the earth of that wide, have already grown dark green farm goods again.
2. 按颜色和质地分,有宝石绿、艳绿、黄阳绿、阳俏绿、玻璃绿、鹦哥绿、菠菜绿、浅水绿、浅阳绿、蛙绿、瓜皮绿、梅花绿、蓝绿、灰绿、油绿,以及紫罗兰和藕粉地等二十多个品种。
By color and texture points, there are emerald green, Brilliant Green, huangyangsi green, Yang Qiao green, glass green, parrot green, spinach green, and shallow green, and shallow-yang green, frog green, guapi green, plum green, blue-green, gray-green, glossy dark green, and violet, and asked to wait for more than 20 varieties of lotus root starch.
3. 根据绿色的色调、亮度和饱和度,翡翠可分为祖母绿色、苹果绿色、葱心绿、菠菜绿、油绿、灰绿等六种。
According to a green hue, brightness and saturation, can be divided into grandmother`s emerald green, apple green, green onion hearts, spinach green, glossy dark green, gray-green of six.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 似乎任何人都可以在这富饶油绿的土地上找到一块特棒的油田。
As if anyone were going to find great patches of oil in this lush green land!
5. 而在风中起伏的树林和大片油绿的草地更是让我着迷。
I am fascinated when I saw the trees in the wind and green grass ground.
6. 而在风中起伏的树林和大片油绿的草地更是让我着迷。
I am fascinated when I saw the trees in the wind and green grass.....
7. 紫玉兰的叶子油绿油绿的,可是非常小,不太茂盛。
Purple Magnolia green leaves green, but very small, not too lush.
8. 周围的小空地是油绿的,又冷又凄惨。
Its tiny cleared space was lush and cold and dismal.
9. 在这种珍贵石材中,还发现了灯光冻、水晶冻、虾青冻、牛角冻、鱼脑冻、油绿冻、鸡血红等。
Among this precious stone materials, we also found lamplight ljardite, crystal ljardite, shrimp green ljardite, ox born ljardite, fish brain ljardite, oil green ljardite, chicken blood red, etc.
10. 油绿什么意思
10. 束腰、美观,品质优,叶色油绿,叶柄宽厚。
Rich bottom shape, good quality, glossy dark green leaf, thick wider petiole.
11. 细草样柔的雨丝又以温存之手抚摸它,使它簇生油绿的枝叶而开出红色的花。
The sound of the rain as soft and thin as grass fondled them with gentle hands, making them shoot up in clusters of glossy dark green branches that waved their blossoming red flowers.