

沾花惹草[zhān huā rě cǎo]


词典be promiscuous in sex relations沾花惹草;寻花问柳。

沾花惹草 汉英大词典

沾花惹草[zhān huā rě cǎo]

be promiscuous in sex relations

沾花惹草 双语例句

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1. 有些人觉得这是天生的,因为女人不具备和男人一样沾花惹草的冲动。
    Some say this is only natural, because women don't have the same urge to play around.

2. 他是个对妻子非常好的丈夫,从不在外沾花惹草
    He is very good husband and never runs around on his wife.

3. 沾花惹草的近义词

3. 好,这么说你是说你不会沾花惹草
    Miles: Okay, so you're telling me you were not a lady's man.

4. 除了配的上自己的那个女人不会沾花惹草的男人
    To give himself just to the woman who is worth him.

5. 沾花惹草

5. 你真喜欢沾花惹草
    You really like to play the field.

6. 沾花惹草在线翻译

6. 我是不抽烟,不喝酒,不吸毒,不喜欢沾花惹草,更没有许多其他男人通有的恶习。
    Neverless, it's frustratingly difficult for me to find my soulmate and my companion for life.

7. 沾花惹草什么意思

7. 影视作品有《我的母亲赵一曼》《沾花惹草》《日月凌空》等。
    His film works include My Mother Zhao Yiman etc.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 我本来就不沾花惹草,凯利
    I'm not a grazer, Kyle.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 赫拉对宙斯沾花惹草的行为十分恼火,经常千方百计地设下圈套羞辱他。
    Vexed by his infidelities, she often humiliated him by her scheming ways.

10. 沾花惹草在线翻译

10. 我喜欢的树和湖,我们围着草地一路沾花惹草地慢跑。
    My favorite tree and pond, we enjoyed the beautiful view and the wildflowers while we jogging.