

泄底[xiè dǐ]


词典reveal or expose what is at the bottom of sth.泄底。

泄底 汉英大词典

泄底[xiè dǐ]

reveal or expose what is at the bottom of sth.

泄底 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 大多数的人看起来不笨,但一开口就泄底了。
    Most People don`t look dumb till they start talking.

2. 此外,如果执法人员正在追缉某个嫌犯,而且有理由相信嫌犯就待在某个住所,警调人员打电话确认时,可能不会希望警察局的信息出现在来电显示上而泄底
    Furthermore, if a law enforcement officer is trying to find a suspect and has reason to believe that person is at a particular residence, the investigator probably wouldn't want to place a call with telltale police department information showing up on the caller ID.

3. 泄底

3. 侦探小心不让毒贩知道他替警方工作,他不想泄漏身分。
    Blow one's cover 泄底 The detective was careful not to let the drug dealer know he worked for the police.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 你想干什么?泄底吗?
    What are you trying to do? Blow the collar?

5. 泄底是什么意思

5. 大多数的人看起來不笨,但一开口就泄底了。
    Most People don`t look dumb till they start talkin`.