



Lollo[地名] [尼日利亚] 洛洛。

洛洛 网络解释

1. 洛洛的意思

1. yyd:yu舞飞扬 | yyd洛洛 | yz笨鱼

2. 洛洛什么意思

2. mimiloveqiqi:金钰韬 queen3122 | 洛洛 mimiloveqiqi | 金涵韵 hzx5896

洛洛 双语例句

1. 洛洛

1. 玩炫舞我最不后悔,最开心的就是认识我的两个乖乖和欠拍的哥哥,欠拍的老姐,侄女,妹妹们,还有洛洛,老弟呵呵认识你们真好,认识你们是我这一生中最开心的一件事情,我永远都不会忘记我们所在一起的点点滴滴我会永远记住你们的,你们永远都在我的心里,不管今后我在哪里,不管今后我的命运是什么我都会永远的在远处祝福你们,乖乖们你们要坚强,妈咪永远爱你们你们是我唯一的乖乖,老哥老姐我最大的心愿就是希望看见你们能和好在一起,呵呵不管你们是否还能在一起我要告诉你们不要网恋,姐姐哥哥我们在一起的印象最深刻,最好呵呵,你们永远是凝的好哥哥姐姐是我的唯一哥哥姐姐,洛洛你要坚强不管结果怎么样你都别后悔爱上他要相信她,乖乖侄女你也给姨妈好好的哦呵呵,还有妹妹记得你答应我的不许把孩子打掉,结,我的好妹妹你要幸福,笨蛋我永远只爱你一个我紫凝不后悔爱上你,大家都要幸福快乐,谢谢你们给我带来那么多的回忆和快乐,真的很感谢
    Play-hyun dance I do not regret the best and most fun is to know my two brother obediently and under-shoot, due to shoot the Lao Jie, nieces, sisters, as well as lolo, brother Hehe nice to know you, know you are my life the most fun thing, I will never forget what we have together, bit by bit I will always remember you, you are always in my heart, regardless of the future where I am, regardless of the future of my What is the fate I will always bless you in the distance, obediently who you are going strong, Mommy will always love you, you are my only behaved, Laogelaojie my greatest wish is that you will want to see and good together, Hehe not care if you still together, I want to tell you not to online dating, sister brother was most impressed with us, the best Oh, you will always be good condensate brother and sister is my only brother, sister, lolo you want to No matter how strong the results do not regret it like you have fallen in love with him to believe her, obediently niece, aunt be properly addressed to you Oh Oh, also remember that you promised my sister not allowed to send their children destroyed, knot, my dear sister, you want happiness, a fool I will always only love you I love you purple condensate do not regret it and we all have happy, thank you for giving me so many memories and happy, really very grateful to

2. 洛洛

2. 演员:,查理,贾斯廷朗约翰特拉沃尔塔的丹,塞思格林的拉尔夫白色,凯利Preston为维基,麦特狄伦德夫林的杨希,洛洛格林,DAX指数谢泼德为。。
    Cast:, John Travolta as Charlie, Justin Long as Adam Devlin, Robin Williams as Dan, Seth Green as Ralph White, Kelly Preston as Vicki, Matt Dillon as Yancy Devlin, Lori Loughlin, Dax Shepard as..

3. 洛洛跟别人说话的时候总是说奥巴马是他的儿子。
    When talking to other people, Lolo referred to Barack as his son.

4. 多年来他一直化名布洛洛,以防止警察发现他。
    He passed by the name of blogue for many years, so avoiding discovery by the police.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 现在白瑞有了洛洛来崇拜了,让他学习世界的方式。
    Now Barry had Lolo to look up to, to help him learn the ways of the world.

6. 洛洛看不出其中的是与非。
    Lolo didn`t see the differences between right and wrong in black-and-white terms.

7. 洛洛什么意思

7. 老张,我当洛洛吧!"
    Mr. Chang when I was a lolo bar!"

8. 洛洛注:翻译这段文字的时候我的眼睛也有点潮湿。
    Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. 洛洛更倾向于为了使自己的家庭过得更好而放弃自己的信仰。
    Lolo seemed willing to compromise his beliefs for the sake of securing a better life for his family.

10. 洛洛

10. 洛洛看不出其中的是与非。
    He eventually worked his way up into the government relations office of an American oil company.