

派司[pā si]


派司 汉英大词典

派司[pā si]


[方] pass

派司 网络解释

1. pai si:柯打 ke da | 派司 pai si | 拍乸 pai na

派司 双语例句

1. 派司

1. 我很了解派司沃大人在更衣室里一直在做什么,可是我不会说的。
    I knew very well what Sir Percival had been doing in the vestry, but I wasn't going to say anything.

2. 派司

2. 其实我没什么话要对她说,我肯定她已经听说派司沃大人的死。
    I had nothing really to say to her, and I was sure she would already have heard about Sir Percival's death.

3. 调查得出结论派司沃大人的死因是突发的意外。
    The enquiry reached the conclusion that the cause of Sir Percival Glyde's death was death by sudden accident.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 是派司沃大人的仆人。
    It was Sir Percival's servant.

5. 派司的意思

5. 在一阶开叫--再加倍-;P-之后,应叫者的派司皆为逼叫。
    After one of a suit--redouble--pass--? , responder`s pass is forcing everywhere.

6. 在一阶开叫--再加倍-之后,开叫者的派司皆为逼叫。
    After one of a suit--redouble--? , opener`s pass is forcing everywhere.

7. f如果2 开叫被敌方插叫,则无论在任何一个阶位上,应叫者的派司皆为逼叫。
    F If a two-club opening is overcalled, responder`s pass is forcing at every level.

8. 如果2 被插叫,应叫者的加倍为二度消极且派司为逼叫。
    If two clubs is overcalled, responder`s double shows double-negative strength and a pass is forcing.

9. b回答人扣叫开叫者花色之意义与应叫者派司时相同
    B a cue-bid in opener`s suit is similar to one had responder passed

10. 派司的意思

10. b第三门花色为二阶且非逆叫时,即为逼叫一轮,且如果开叫者二阶叫回应叫者的第一次花色或三阶叫回开叫花色时,应叫者可以派司
    B a third-suit non-reverse at the two level is forcing for one round, and responder may pass if opener bids two of responder`s first suit or three of opener`s suit

11. 考试派司了。
      I passed the examination.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 1在低阶充足阶位时,使用DOPI 加倍或再加倍= 0 或 0|3,派司= 1 或 1|4,最便宜叫品= 2 或2且无将牌Q,余类推。
      At low enough levels, DOPI double or redouble = 0 or 0|3, pass = 1 or 1|4, cheapest bid = 2 or 2 without the trump queen, etc.

13. 派司的翻译

13. 1在低阶充足阶位时:使用DOPI加倍或再加倍代表最便宜叫品,派司代表第二便宜叫品,最便宜叫品代表第三便宜叫品,余类推,视该行动的逻辑而定
      At low enough levels, DOPI double or redouble substitutes for what would have been the cheapest bid, pass substitutes for what would have been the second-cheapest bid, the cheapest bid substitutes for what would have been the third-cheapest bid, etc., subject to the logic of the auction

14. 派司的解释

14. 没有派司进不去。
      Without a pass, you can't get in.

15. 派司的解释

15. 在美国加里福尼亚省派司开特罗地方,有一个著名的“卵石滩”。
      There is a very famous " Pebble Beach " at Pescadero, on the California coast.

16. 派司的反义词

16. 在美国加里福尼亚省派司开特罗地方,有一个著名的“卵石滩”。
      There is a very famous " Pebble Beach " at Pescadero, on the California coast.

17. 一个非开叫派司者对开叫花色扣叫,不管是直接位置或平衡位置,表示一手弱牌或非常强的牌,且
      An unpassed-hand`s cue-bid in opener`s suit, in either direct or reopening position, shows either a weakish or a very strong hand with