1. 浑如的翻译
1. 我现在明明浑如去见他。
I do want to see him now.
2. 我现在明明浑如去见他。
I do want to see 你好m now.
3. 我浑如帮你,但我分不开身,我店家10分钟后就归来了。
My boss will come back in ten minutes.
4. 我浑如去非洲
I''''d like to go to africa.
5. 浑如
5. 我知道这和大大都的建议都相反,但是我发明听你身体的没错……不只是你饿了的时候要吃,就是在你浑如吃什么东西的时候,也要吃。
I know this is contrary to most advice, but I''ve found that it''s important to listen to your body … not only when your body is hungry, but when your body is craving a specific food.
6. 长则一年,短则24小时。但是我们总是浑如知道这个即将脱离人世的人是决定怎样度过他最后的日子的。
Sometimes it was as long as ayear; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours, but always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours.
7. 争赞浑如到香岛,飞来仿佛遇桃源。
Praise for the issue as to the Island, as if flying in case of Taoyuan.
8. 我今无邪的浑如去海边,但是我患上硬着头皮呆在家里进修筹办期末考试。
I really want to go to the beach today, but I have to bite the bullet and stay home to study for my finals.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. 南希虽然浑如参加辩论,但忸怩得不敢启齿。
While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.
10. 只言游舫浑如画,身在画中原不知。
They are in perfect harmony and more beautiful than a picture.