

Hao wave;
浩波 双语例句

1. 有人留言说,沈浩波和韩寒吵起来了,你怎不去帮
    Someone left a message saying that Shen Haobo and Han Han were fighting, why don't you go help

2. 浩波是什么意思

2. 换句话说,赵丽华也好,沈浩波也好,我也好,都是在写自己的诗,没挣你的钱,没用你家的后院,你不喜欢看觉得匪夷所思说出自己的意见,这很正常。
    To put it another way, whether it's Zhao Lihua, Shen Haobo or myself, we all write our own poems, and we haven't taken any of your money, haven't used your backyard. If you don't like to read them, feel it's unthinkable to voice your own opinions, this is normal.