

海碗[hǎi wǎn]

词典large bowl海碗。

海碗 汉英大词典

海碗[hǎi wǎn]


large bowl

海碗 双语例句

1. 头一次吃泡馍,光是盛馍的碗就能吓你一跳,那碗真可称得上是海碗
    First time eats soaks steamed bread, the light is Sheng Mo bowl can frighten you as soon as to jump, that bowl really may call on is a large bowl.

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2. 5月21日下午4时,一天没有吃饭的他在接受采访中觉得饿了,于是转移到食堂继续,他一口气吃下了五个包子、一块夹心派,还有一海碗稠稠的西红柿鸡蛋汤。
    At 16:00 on May 21, the day he did not eat in the interview that hungry, then transferred to the cafeteria to continue, in one breath he took a five-steamed stuffed buns, a sandwich camp, there is a thick Haiwan thick soup of tomatoes, eggs.

3. 人们用海碗相互敬酒,带着些许醉意,服务生端出宴会的重头戏,当日新采摘的晒干了的意大利面条,裹着田园的气息,把整个宴会推入了高潮。
    Toasts to the new crop are drunk in these boccalinos. And then the waiters enter bearing the ceremonial dish and it is, of course, spaghetti, picked earlier in the day, dried in the sun, and so brought fresh from garden to table at the very peak of condition.

4. 海碗

4. 亲友们吃三个海碗,六个冷荤,六个炒菜,四大碗,一个锅子。
    They'll be having three king-size bowls, six plates of cold meats, six cooked dishes, four large dishes and a hotpot.

5. 海碗的近义词

5. 海碗居总经理关跃说:我们的目标就是供应北京民间食品,就是老北京人过去常常在庙会上卖的菜肴和小吃。
    Our aim is to serve Beijing folk food, says manager Guan Yue. Little dishes and the kind of snacks they used to sell at temple fairs.

6. 海碗什么意思

6. 今天我太饿了,所以午饭时吃了一海碗美味的面条。
    EXAMPLE: I was so hungry today that I ate a mondo bowl of delicious noodles for lunch.

7. 三个海碗的席吃着,就出一毛钱的人情?
    Eat a feast with three king size bowls and give only ten cents?

8. 海碗的意思

8. 一些饭店还提出了复兴老式街头小吃和家常菜的想法,比如海碗居(这个名字的意思是大碗饭店)。
    Some restaurants have made a point of reviving old-fashioned street snacks and home-style dishes, such as the family-run Hai Wan Ju (the name means Great Bowl Restaurant).