

海菜[hǎi cài]

词典edible seaweed海菜。

海菜 汉英大词典

海菜[hǎi cài]

edible seaweed

海菜 网络解释

1. 海菜在线翻译

1. edible seaweed:edibleroot 食用根 | edibleseaweed 海菜 | edibletreefungus 木耳

2. 海菜

2. seaweed:rape greens 油菜 | seaweed 海菜 | beet 甜菜

3. agar:agar 紫菜 | agar 海菜 | agaragargelose 琼脂

海菜 双语例句

1. 蜥蜴生活在海边,一个难以生存的地方,但是它可以生存,每天太阳出来后,它们都会到礁石上晒太阳,聚集热量后,它会在体内形成一个储存热量的地方,然后潜水到海里,游很远到礁石下面去吃附在礁石上的海菜,因为那里没有别的食物。
    The lizard life in the seashore, the place which survives with difficulty, but it may survive, after every day the sun comes out, they can arrive on the reef to sun, after the accumulation quantity of heat, it can form a storage quantity of heat in vivo the place, then dives to the sea in, eats You Henyuan to the reef under is attached to on the reef the edible seaweed, because there does not have other food.

2. 说到这儿,他没有再说下去,锐利的眼光在汤如海菜黄的脸上,观察他的表情。
    He said nothing, but let his keen glance nest on Tang Ruhai's sallow face, observing his expression.

3. 说到这里,他没有再说下去,锐利的眼光停留在汤雷海菜黄的脸上,观察他的表情。
    He said nothing, but let his keen glance nest on Tang Lei`s sallow face, observing his expression.

4. 水云是海苔的一种,状似海菜,比较粗,有干、湿两种。
    Water cloud seaweed is a type of thick seaweed.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 阿都波一种由海菜及肉或鱼做成的菲律宾菜肴,用咖喱、酱油和香料作调料,佐以米饭
    A Philippine dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish seasoned with garlic, soy sauce, and

6. 海菜

6. 还有烤海菜和杏仁色拉
    And that comes with grilled seaweed and an orange and almond salad.

7. 日本的寿司是一种加醋的熟米团,与生熟鱼片、鸡蛋、蔬菜或海菜一起食用
    The Japanese sushi, a kind of cooked rice Balls flavoured with vinegar, is served with raw

8. 荤席以肉食为主体,素席为素菜为主,海菜席以海味为主。
    I meat to meat as the main body, consisting mainly vegetarian feast for vegetables, seaweed and dried seafood in the main seats.

9. 海菜

9. 筵席分荤席、素席、海菜席三种。
    I am meat feast, vegetarian feast, seaweed three seats.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 希腊菜肴使用了一些香料多于其他地中海菜做的事:牛至,薄荷,大蒜,洋葱,莳萝和月桂叶湾。
    Greekcuisine uses some spices more often than other Mediterranean cuisinesdo: oregano, mint, garlic, onion, dill and bay laurel leaves.

11. 锅子周围摆上各种蔬菜,通常还有海菜和各种肉类,全都是生的。
      Around it are piles of vegetables, and often seaweed, and whatever meat you are eating, all raw.

12. 日本的寿司是一种加醋的熟米团,与生熟鱼片、鸡蛋、蔬菜或海菜一起食用
      The Japanese sushi, a kind of cooked rice Balls flavoured with vinegar, is served with raw or cooked fish strips, eggs, vegetables or seaweed

13. 海菜

13. 适与地中海菜式或经典澳洲烧烤一起享用,也可以和您喜欢的通心粉或者亚洲食品完美组合。
      Enjoy with a range of Mediterranean style dishes or the classic Aussie barbecue and perfect with your favourite linguini putanesca, pasta or Asian food.