1. 海蛤的解释
1. 您可以一览所有的生物,从鲨鱼、水母到巨大海蛤、乌龟都有。
You can see everything from sharks and jellyfish to giant sea clams and turtles.
2. 海蛤的近义词
2. 因此,一个被隔离的组织的一部分被从一个集体中移走例如,海蛤蝓的眼睛组织还会保持它自己的日常节奏但是当恢复到整个集体中时会采用机体的节奏。
Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism for example, the eye of a sea slug will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
3. 海蛤
3. 所以海蛤蝓吃海藻。
So sea slugs eat algae.
4. 2006年,研究者们从冰岛附近的北大西洋海底将这只海蛤一种生活在深海中的蛤蜊活生生的捕捞上岸。
The ocean quahog - a type of deep-sea clam - was dredged alive from the bottom of the North Atlantic near Iceland in 2006 by researchers.