1. Nekrasov,N.A:涅恰耶夫 Nechaev,Sergey,165-7,173 | 涅克拉索夫 Nekrasov,N.A.,192 | 尼赫鲁 Nehru,Jawaharlal,201-2
1. 涅克拉索夫的近义词
1. 这部小说被诗人涅克拉索夫登在他的评论杂志上,并获广泛赞誉。
This story was published by the poet Nekrassov in his review and was received with acclamations.
2. 涅克拉索夫在线翻译
2. 我年轻时就看过很多俄罗斯作家的作品,像普希金、莱蒙托夫、屠格涅夫、陀思妥耶夫斯基、涅克拉索夫、托尔斯泰、契诃夫、肖洛霍夫,他们的书对我们有很深的影响。
Even when I was still young, I had read many works by Russian writers, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Sholokhov, whose works had a large impact on us.