

Fly low;
消声灭迹 双语例句

1. 消声灭迹

1. 有一天现金会消声灭迹,取代而至的将是塑料卡片。。
    One day cash would be out of existence and will be replaced by plastic cards.

2. 消声灭迹是什么意思

2. 有很多以前很强的网站,现在也已经消声灭迹
    There are many great Web site, has now trace out muffler.

3. 消声灭迹

3. 我知道有人极力推崇让现金消声灭迹然后以一张塑料卡来呈示个人储蓄与信用的做法,我不知道这些人是做什么的,我真是看不出这对我们大多数人来说会有什么好处呢?
    I`m aware there are people who push the idea of cash extinction in which a plastic card will show how much is your worth. I don`t know who these people are, and I can`t honestly say what good it does to the most of us.

4. 动作的幅度与音乐的旋律及节奏相得益彰-让你看看蓝天,再看看大地,还有什麽烦恼不能随此时而消声灭迹?。。。。。。
    Then what else can bother you?

5. 她知道,她翻出悬崖消声灭迹,只是瞬息间的事情。
    She knew it was only a matter of seconds before she hurtled over the cliff into oblivion.

6. 民间金融并没有因此而消声灭迹,反而以更隐蔽的方式蓬勃发展起来,形成了一定规模。
    Private finance developed with a hide way and formed a certain scale instead of exterminate.