

消沉[xiāo chén]








消沉 汉英大词典

消沉[xiāo chén]

downhearted; low-spirited; dejected; depressed:


    demoralized; despondent;


    in poor [low] spirits

消沉 网络解释

1. 消沉的近义词

1. depression n:8. numerically 用数字, 在数字上 | 9. depression n.沮丧, 消沉, 低气压, 低压 | 10. migrate vi.移动, 移往, 移植, 随季节而移居, (鸟类的)迁徙 vt.使移居, 使移植

2. slump n:synergy n.协同, 配合 | slump n.消沉 | numbness n.麻木, 麻痹

3. slump:spasm 痉挛 | slump 消沉 | cracker 饼干

消沉 双语例句

1. 我曾有一段时间(一个小时而已,被某人翻译成这样==!)非常消沉,当她上线时我就刷屏式的抱怨。
    Once I was so upset that I almost flooded the conversation with my complaints after she logged on.

2. 在这一间,她完全是一副颓唐消沉的样子。
    At this moment she was the image of a victim of idleness.

3. 所以,最好的办法就是大比分领先使他们意志消沉
    So, the idea is to completely demoralize the opponent once you have them down big.

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4. 如果我们看到自己的家人或朋友消沉,也许我们能给他或她某种特别的关心。
    If we notice a family member or friend is drooping, perhaps we can pay some special attention to him or her.

5. 无论是处于低谷还是情绪消沉,或是临场表演遇到了麻烦,我要做的惟一事情就是不停地旋转。
    Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 不要和消沉的人在一起浪费时间,因为他们就像水桶里的螃蟹。
    Do not spend time with negative people as they are like crabs in a bucket.

7. 忧郁期没精打采的日子,消沉的日子
    A period of depression or unhappy listlessness.

8. 消沉的近义词

8. 说真的,自从 Julie 把他蹬了,他消沉沮丧,快把我逼疯了。
    Seriously, ever since julie dumped him, he's been depressed and mopey.

9. 消沉什么意思

9. Bella比起书里的她少一点消沉
    Bella`s less mopey than she is in the books.

10. 再来分析一下这件事对哈丽埃特心灵的创伤更严重,让她克制和消沉,也一定会这样的,但是,她一定要尽快把这个让人伤心的事实真相告诉哈丽埃特,在离开威斯顿先生时他讲的话中,有几句是想保密的,现在,这件事全都没对外人讲,邱吉尔先生特别关照了这一点,作为对刚刚死去的太太的尊敬。
    Common sense would have directed her to tell harriet, that she must not allow herself to think of him, and that there were five hundred chances to one against his ever caring for her.

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11. 剧场很迷消沉的戏,但这样的戏在百老汇没什麼票房。
      Sung The theatre's so obsessed/With dramas so depressed/It's hard to sell a ticket on Broadway/Shows should be more pretty/Shows should be more witty/Shows should be more...

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 愚人只会无礼责斥人,悭吝人的恩惠,使人目光消沉
      Only a fool upbraids before giving; a grudging gift wears out the expectant eyes.

13. 天竺葵,薰衣草和佛手柑混合可以缓解忧虑和消沉
      A blend of Geranium, Lavender and Bergamot alleviates anxiety and depression.

14. 如果他失败了,我们就会消沉
      If he loses it, we'll have a depression.

15. 从莱梅索斯到艾可,勇敢的年轻人在征途上建立无数战功,然而,面对同盟军之间的倾轧,与同样勇猛的穆斯林英雄撒拉丁,最终第三次十字军东征还是止于和议,骑士罗兰为了这无法实现的承诺日渐消沉
      The brave young man scored many successes on the conquering journey from Lemesos to Acre; however, in face of the discrepancy among allies and the equally courageous Muslim hero Saladin, the Third Crusade was finally fought to a truce, and Knight Roland gloomed over the unrealised promise day after day.

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16. 从莱梅索斯到艾可,勇敢的年轻人在征途上建立无数战功,然而,面对同盟军之间的倾轧,与同样勇猛的穆斯林英雄撒拉丁,最终第三次十字军东征还是止于和议,骑士罗兰为了这无法实现的承诺日渐消沉
      The brave young man scored many successes on the conquering journey from Lemesos to Acre; however, in face of the discrepancy among alliesthe equally courageous Muslim hero Saladin, the Third Crusade was finally fought to a truce, Knight Roland gloomed over the unrealised promise day after day.

17. 消沉,灰心。
      One's heart sinks within one.

18. 面对残酷的现实,安迪变得很消沉……有一天,他对瑞德说:如果有一天,你可以获得假释,一定要到某个地方替我完成一个心愿。
      One day, he says to Ruide: If you can gain a conditional release one day, must accomplish a wish to some's places for me.

19. 为了不让同时爱着林诗音的兄弟消沉,他逼自己离开了她。
      In order to not let his friend Long Xiao yun, who also loved Lin Shi yin, down, he forced himself to leave her.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 如果是的 K他命不会再起效果而他就面临一个很大的消沉
      If it is, the ketamineisn't working anymore and he's headed fora huge crash.