

消遥自在 双语例句

1. 消遥自在的翻译

1. 放假的时候,我们享受了一段消遥自在的生活。
    During the vacation, we enjoyed a freedom of Pan.

2. 消遥自在的意思

2. 现在,他的财源滚滚,生活得可消遥自在啦。
    Now the money is rolling in and he's living on easy street.

3. 现在,他的财源滚滚,生活得可消遥自在啦。
    Now themoney is rolling in and he`s living on easy street.

4. 消遥自在什么意思

4. 现在,他的财源滚滚,生活得可消遥自在
    Now, his money is rolling in and he's living on easy street.

5. 消遥自在

5. 这两个神秘朋友消遥自在的谜底要被揭开了。
    The mystery of his friends'carefree existence was bout to be revealed.

6. 消遥自在

6. 现在,他的财源滚滚,生活得可消遥自在啦。
    Now the money is rolling in and hes living on easy street.

7. 消遥自在是什么意思

7. 由于居民们的极度麻木,这些强盗的抢劫生涯真过得消遥自在
    Owing to the extraordinary apathy of the inhabitants, the brigands were able to carry out their depredations undisturbed

8. 消遥自在的小南希,62年前的舞会皇后。
    Perky little Nancy, prom queen sixty two years ago.